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System Requirements Review

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1 System Requirements Review
2 Nov 2016 RadSat-u System Requirements Review Dr. Brock LaMeres Connor Julien Colin Delaney RadSat-u SRR

2 Agenda Time (MST) Topic 1100 – 1105 Mission Overview 1105 – 1110
Concept of Operations 1110 – 1120 Mission and System Requirements 1120 – 1125 Spacecraft Bus Overview 1125- 1130 Programmatics 1130 – 1200 Open Discussion RadSat-u SRR

3 Meet the RadSat Team Space Science and Engineering Laboratory
2 Nov 2016 Brock LaMeres Principle Investigator Space Science and Engineering Laboratory Keith Mashburn Logistics, Engineering advisor Connor Julien Graduate Mentor RadSat-u SRR Colin Delaney Team Lead, Physics David Kelly CpE Daniel Mills EE Colton Marchwinshki EE Jonathan Dover EE Matt Johnson ME

4 Mission Overview 2 Nov 2016 Mission Overview RadSat-u SRR

5 Radiation Tolerant Computer Overview
2 Nov 2016 RadSat-u is to demonstrate a novel computer architecture design to mitigate radiation induced faults using soft processors implemented on an FPGA. The Radiation Tolerant Computer Stack (RTCS) will detect faults on orbit and replace the damaged tile with a known good spare, then repair the damaged tile through partial reconfiguration. Mission Overview RadSat-u SRR

6 RTCS Design Mission Requirements
2 Nov 2016 Uses a combination of methods (TMR + spares, partial reconfiguration, memory scrubbing) to detect and repair faults caused by radiation. Data Board – Interfaces with the data SD card for data storage and the USB port for data extraction. FPGA Board – Contains an experiment FPGA (Artix-7) and a master FPGA (Spartan-6). Power Board – Provides multiple voltage rails to different parts of the stack. Will interface with the MFIB board to receive commands and send data. RTCS Mission Requirements Power Board FPGA Board Data Board RadSat-u SRR

7 Radiation Tolerant Computing Legacy
2 Nov 2016 Matured at MSU over the course of 8 years, tested on the following missions: 1 Cyclotron firing 8 High altitude Balloons 2 Sounding Rockets SL9 Up Aerospace Deleon 14114 1 ISS Flight (in progress) Mission Overview RadSat-u SRR

8 Proposed Sensor Mission Overview
Ionizing radiation detection sensor using a off the shelf solar cell as a silicon surface to absorb SEE energy. Mission Overview RadSat-u SRR

9 Concept of Operations 2 Nov 2016 Concept of Operations RadSat-u SRR

10 Initial Ground Contacts
Concept of Operations 2 Nov 2016 NANORACKS Deployment Off ISS Autonomous Startup EPS CDH COMM Rx Deploy antennas (delayed) Start tracking beacon (delayed) Initial Ground Contacts Bus Commissioning Payload Commissioning Launch (Passive ACS) Concept of Operations Begin Nominal Science Operations The RTCS will give count updates every 60 min and the beacons will reflect important data from last received RTCS packet. During the ~12 hour Watchdog avionics payload the RTCS will stay powered. After each shutdown the MFIB will reinitialize communications with the RTCS. RadSat-u SRR Single Event Effects Daily Science Downlinks

11 Mission Operations Overview
2 Nov 2016 RadSat-u K7MSU Mission Operations Center Space Science Laboratory, Montana State University K7MSU-01 Satellite Earth Station Concept of Operations Science and Telemetry Data (L0) Command Loads RadSat-u SRR Tested with HRBE, Firebird I, Firebird II Tasking Data Packets RadSat Lab

12 Mission Requirements 2 Nov 2016 Mission Requirements RadSat-u SRR

13 Mission Requirements Flow down
2 Nov 2016 Mission Objectives Mission Requirements Flight System MOC SOC Mission Requirements RadSat-u SRR

14 Flight System Requirements Overview
2 Nov 2016 FS Requirements RadSat-u SRR

15 S1-1 2 Nov 2016 FS Requirements RadSat-u SRR Our computer architecture needs to be in a high radiation environment for long periods of time to be struck by radiation. Our solution is a 3U CubeSat. Needs to be a 3U for power requirements

16 S1-2 2 Nov 2016 FS Requirements RadSat-u SRR The Firebird stack has a 24 hour Watchdog that power cycles the spacecraft using basic logic gates (555 timer) to avoid errors incurred on the avionics. Our experimental computer needs to run continuously so it needs to be not part of that watchdog.

17 S1-3 2 Nov 2016 FS Requirements RadSat-u SRR We do not have enough power to run the sensor continuously, so it will be intermittently run for correlation.

18 S1-4 2 Nov 2016 FS Requirements RadSat-u SRR We want our spacecraft to be at a consistent angle with respect to the magnetic field to increase consistency of our experiment

19 S1-5 2 Nov 2016 FS Requirements RadSat-u SRR Data will be saved locally on the SD card on the RTCS then intermittently fed to the Spacecraft C&DH where it will be transmitted down.

20 S1-6 FS Requirements Same, but for the radiation sensor 2 Nov 2016
RadSat-u SRR Same, but for the radiation sensor

21 S1-7 2 Nov 2016 FS Requirements RadSat-u SRR Firebird II is SSEL’s most successful satellite (1.5 years), and because of that we want to reuse as much of the design as possible, to increase chances of success and decrease development times.

22 Mission Operations Center Requirements Overview
2 Nov 2016 MOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR

23 S2-1 2 Nov 2016 MOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR Similar reason to S1-7, K7MSU is proven to work and it’s available.

24 S2-2 2 Nov 2016 MOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR Using L3’s In-Control which is running K7MSU, it handles archiving data, generating commands for the satellite, and decrypting incoming packets The ICD is in works

25 S2-3 2 Nov 2016 MOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR Using L3’s In-Control which is running K7MSU, it handles archiving data, generating commands for the satellite, and decrypting incoming packets

26 S2-4 2 Nov 2016 MOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR To correlate our data, we will map it’s position the computer was struck, that requires us to use TLE propagation to know it’s approximate position

27 S2-5 MOC Requirements Clock needs to be synchronized after launch
2 Nov 2016 MOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR Clock needs to be synchronized after launch

28 Science Operations Center Requirements Overview
2 Nov 2016 SOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR

29 S3-1 2 Nov 2016 SOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR All data is automatically backed up from our primary ground station computer to SSEL’s data-redundant server, Titan.

30 S3-2 2 Nov 2016 SOC Requirements RadSat-u SRR For Firebird, we have an automated script that we can request specific data from different times from. The script then translates that to which blocks the operator needs to download at the next pass.

31 Spacecraft Bus Concept
2 Nov 2016 Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

32 RadSat-u Overview Spacecraft Concept Radiation Sensor
11/12/2018 Communication Paths Radiation Sensor -> Redesigned solar cell based radiation sensor Spacecraft Concept RF Link RTCS -> Existing RTCS Design, no changes Harness RadSat-G MFIB -> New MFIB to interface to FTCS with built in protection Lithium L1 Radio -> New Radio Board (Compatible with old software) GSE Link EPS -> Re-Worked EPS board for MPPT (Compatible with old software) CD&H -> No Changes

33 Solar-Cell Experiment
Structure Concept 2 Nov 2016 Li-Ion Battery 3U CubeSat Form factor Avionics stack derived from Firebird II design. RTCS design identical to Artemis mission Li-Ion battery pack copied from SSEL’s IT-SPINS mission. Solar-Cell Experiment Spacecraft Concept Data Logging Board RTCS FPGA Board RTCS Power Board RadSat-u SRR Magnet Board MFIB Avionics Radio EPS C&DH

34 Preliminary Mass Budget
2 Nov 2016 Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

35 CD&H Spacecraft Concept
2 Nov 2016 The CD&H from Pumpkin will be used with no modifications from the FIREBIRD Architecture. The software will have to be modified with new command sequences and telemetry information. Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

36 MFIB Spacecraft Concept
2 Nov 2016 The MFIB (Multi-Function Interface Board) is based of the FIREBIRD MFIB Architecture. Latching Relay for continuous power of RTCS with built in hardware protection Payload Interface NAND Storage The MFIB will be sensing the temperature and current of the RTCS independent of the RTCS. If a overcurrent or over temperature situation occurs the MFIB will automatically shutdown the RTCS Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

37 EPS Spacecraft Concept
2 Nov 2016 EPS will have a MPPT input implementation to accommodate off the shelf 7S1P Solar Panel Solution from Clyde Space (provided power budget signoff). A re-working of the EPS Phoenix V2.1 version to the EPS Phoenix V2.2 will include suggested improvements such as RX/TX crossovers and MPPT. The voltage sensing resistors will also be recalculated. A single payload switch will supply power to the Radiation Sensor Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

38 Spacecraft Power Bus Concept
2 Nov 2016 Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

39 Solar Panels Spacecraft Concept Clyde Space 7S1P Spectrolab UTJ cells
2 Nov 2016 Clyde Space 7S1P Spectrolab UTJ cells Sun Detectors and temp sensors included Magnetorquer included (not used) Forces us to use a MPPT $5,300 per side Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

40 Preliminary Power Budget
2 Nov 2016 Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR *Based on Clyde Space Solution

41 Satellite communications Bus Concept
2 Nov 2016 Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

42 COMM Concept Overview Spacecraft Concept
2 Nov 2016 Adapting Firebird II design to the Lithium Radio (Li-1) from AstroDev from the Helium radio for the built in RX/TX Switch. This decision is based on the new IARU rule not allowing VHF/UHF communications. Going to the UHF/UHF configuration allows for ease of antenna design. May have antenna matching circuitry dual phased monopole for better Far-Field performance of the system depending on antenna simulations. Should have direct software compatibility with the Helium Radio. Will have direct pin replacement compatibility. Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

43 COMM Antenna Concept 2 Nov 2016 The deployable antennas are constrained to the satellite structure using Kevlar thread and nylon (monofilament) string. The antennas are wrapped around the body of the CubeSat and then deployed using a hot-wire based release system RadSat-u will use the same deployment system that succeeded on Firebird. Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

44 COMM Antenna Far field Spacecraft Concept
2 Nov 2016 Simulations derived from IT-SPINS: a 3U CubeSat with a 17cm monopole antenna being developed by SSEL. The antenna design is identical to RadSat-u Simulations were ran with a 170 mm antenna will be tuned to MHz Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

45 Link Budget 2 Nov 2016 Spacecraft Concept RadSat-u SRR

46 Programmatics 2 Nov 2016 Programmatics RadSat-u SRR

47 Top Level Schedule 1 2 Nov 2016 Programmatics RadSat-u SRR

48 Top Level Schedule 2 2 Nov 2016 Programmatics RadSat-u SRR

49 Configuration Management
2 Nov 2016 Data is securely stored on SSEL’s Titan Server Revisions are be manually saved The SSEL Engineering Management Handbook provides guidance to engineering staff on CM procedures and documentation requirements Programmatics RadSat-u SRR

50 Questions? 2 Nov 2016 RadSat-u SRR

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