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Joint Protection of the Sea Base

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1 Joint Protection of the Sea Base
RDML Mike LeFever

2 Revolutions in Warfare Naval Transformation Goals
Ensuring Access, Extending Reach Have greater operational employability Strike with increased speed, variety, lethality from more formations/force packages Provide a defensive shield around joint forces, allies and homeland Here is a first approximation of what we think a transformed Navy/Marine Corps will be able to do…again this is a journey, but this is what we think we are moving toward No matter what equipment we have…we want greater OA – get this through things like changing employment cycle and deploying force packages, Last four should be familiar to most of you as the pillars of Sea Power 21 – our concepts for projecting netted offensive and defensive power from an independent base of operations – the sea… We will discuss all five of these in turn. Operate jointly from an independent, mobile, secure sea base Network fully within the Joint Force

3 Sea Base Transformation
Within Sea Basing, transformation is focused on developing new capabilities to support operations ashore from the sea. Involves: Deployment of and employment from the sea base Developing integrated logistics to better sustain the joint force Ability to put joint command and control functions afloat With Sea basing, we will maximize our ability to conduct sustained, persistent combat operations from the Maritime Domain and minimize (not eliminate) limitations imposed by reliance on large shore buildup. Enables OMFTS – part of Operational Maneuver from Strategic Distance Exploit the secure and vast maneuver space of the sea Enhance ability to employ & sustain joint forces Minimize vulnerabilities tied to bases ashore

4 Seabasing Vision Forward Posture. . .Preparing the Battlespace
ISR ASW SOF MCM ISR ASW Sea Base Seize the Initiative Swiftly Defeat Time 30 D-Day 10 Assure Joint Access D-10 (years)

5 Seabasing Vision… A New Global CONOPS
ACS MMA SSGN LCS-M SSN LCS-A CSG ESG TBMD SAG MPF(F) CLF Sea Base Seize the Initiative Swiftly Defeat Time 30 D-Day 10 Assure Joint Access D-10 (years)

6 Sea Shield Transformation Undersea Warfare
Anti-submarine Warfare Mine Warfare Transformational efforts in ASW & MIW focused on rapidly finding, destroying or, where necessary, avoiding enemy submarines & mines Underlying functional areas: the ability to execute a “Protected Passage” to the JOA maintenance of a “Maritime Shield” that would deny submarine & minelayers access to Sea Basing regions the ability to “Hold at Risk” enemy submarines & minelayers throughout the maritime theater. Monitor environment and detects subs and mines by increasingly using unmanned and distributed sensors. Develop a Composite Maritime Picture Engage with a variety of highly capable weapons from the optimal platform Develop advanced technologies to improve wide-area surveillance, detection, tracking and attack Multiply impact through advanced networking Render mines & subs irrelevant as anti-access weapons

7 Sea Shield Transformation Air and Missile Defense
Transformational efforts focus on two areas: Initial deployment of sea-based ballistic missile defense capability, and Dramatically improved and integrated air and cruise missile defenses. Sea-based ballistic missile defense will expand JFC options for: Protecting forward-deployed U.S. and coalition forces and Protecting key host nation targets from missile-borne CBRNE weapons And will, support acceleration of sea-based element (in coordination with MDA) of long-range missile defense by OCT 04 as ordered by the President Naval air defense efforts will provide a highly effective air and missile defense umbrella that reaches over the horizon and deep inland, Integrating both Navy and Marine Corps systems to extend protection to naval, joint, and coalition forces at sea and ashore. Extend defensive umbrella over land Integrate airborne, sea-based and land-based sensors Engage from best platform with best weapon

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