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Global Competence Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Director

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1 Global Competence Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Director General @Heino1Olli
Taitaja 2017 Helsinki International Seminar

2 ”A laborer shall be so stupid and so phlegmatic that he more nearly resembles in his mental make-up the ox than any other type… the workman who is best suited to handlig pig iron is unable to understand the real science of doing this class of work. He is so stupid that the word ”percentage” has no meaning to him, and he must consequently be trained by a man more intelligent than himself into the habit of working in accordance with the laws of this science before he can be successful.” -Frederick Winslow Taylor 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

3 “The world of A.D will have few routine jobs that cannot be done better by some machine than by any human being. Mankind will therefore have become largely a race of machine tenders.” -Isaac Asimov, 1964 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

4 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

5 The future of work? 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education
Source: Charles Fadel 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

6 A rapidly changing world
”By one popular estimate, 65 % of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist” Source: World Economic Forum The Future of Jobs. Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

7 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education Source: Charles Fadel

8 Source: Charles Fadel Finnish National Agency for Education

9 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education Source: Charles Fadel

10 Source: Charles Fadel Finnish National Agency for Education

11 Source: Charles Fadel Finnish National Agency for Education

12 Capturing growth in the digital economy with platform business models
12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education Source: Accenture Tehnology Vision 2016

13 Source: Charles Fadel 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

14 Finnish National Agency for Education
12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education Piirros: Annika Varjonen Leadership Under Complexity -seminaari Sitra

15 How to cope with change? Let’s make a plan
Let’s prepare ourselves for the future events Let’s anticipate and increase our options 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

16 Source: Charles Fadel 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

17 Industrial society Information society Interaction society
Heart and humanity Brains Body and hands 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

18 Mechanical repetition
Human Labor Mechanical repetition Knowledge Skills Empathy Talents Who am I? My values, how I think, what’s important to me, my personality, my behaviours Creativity Social ability Adaptability Ability to gather facts 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

19 What kind of skills?

20 The Lifelong Learning Imperative
Strong competences and adaptability are the keys to successfully navigate through the globalised and constantly changing world and labour market. Upskilling and reskilling, the willingness and ability to learn throughout the lifecourse are required to meet the changing and increasing skills needs. 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

21 Finnish National Agency for Education
12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education Source: New Vision for Education, World Economic Forum 2016

22 12/11/2018 Opetushallitus Source: New Vision for Education,
World Economic Forum 2016 12/11/2018 Opetushallitus

23 Global meets local in competence development
In a globalised and interconnected world, competence development is less and less a local matter. Increasing migration and mobility Global value chains and trade Multinational companies Common global challenges Technology and digitalisation International cooperation and supranational policies And yet, education and training always takes place in a social, cultural and historical context. OECD: Trends Shaping Education 2016 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

24 Competences for a changing world - The perspective of the Finnish VET
The mission is to foster the skills needed in working life and for economic competiveness but also to support lifelong learning, personal wellbeing and citizenship VET is developed, delivered and assessed in close cooperation with the world of work Focus is on competence, learning outcomes and work orientation flexibility and individual pathways 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

25 Competences needed for work and life - The perspective of the Finnish VET
Key / LLL competences Vocational competences International competences 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

26 Understanding of the entity
From learning subjects to extensive competence From developing individuals to community capacity building From school-based learning to lifelong learning path and ubiquitous learning Seeing human being as a whole Seeing global context as a whole From multiple services provided by authorities to child- and youth-oriented approach 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

27 Skills anticipation and foresight supporting competence development
In a context of dynamic and complex world and labour market, anticipation helps to better identify and meet future skills needs - and to actively shape the future. The strategic role of skills anticipation is emphasised by various international actors, incl. European Commission, OECD and ILO Anticipation is an integral part in the development of education and training in Finland 12/11/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

28 Finnish National Agency for Education

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