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Edexcel Geography Unit 3

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1 Edexcel Geography Unit 3
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2 Resource One Tasks: Define total GDP Update the population totals
Update the economy figures Research how these compare to other countries, especially other superpowers Question: using figure 1, to what extent can China and India be considered economic superpowers? (8)

3 Resource Two Tasks: Define GDP growth rate
Describe the changes in economic growth rate in for both countries Research the figures for 2015 for both countries Research how these figures compare to other superpowers Research population growth rates for both countries and state if wealth is increasing for each country. Question: using figure 2 and your research, evaluate whether China or India is more economically powerful. (8)

4 Resource Three Tasks: Define imports, exports, trading partners
What is the significance of China trading with Hong Kong? Classify all the imports and exports of both countries as raw materials, light manufacturing, heavy manufacturing, or high tech manufacturing. Question: describe the pattern of export destinations for China and India (7)

5 Resource Four Tasks: Define state owned enterprise and joint venture.
Fine three examples of state owned enterprises in India and China Research the policies in India that prevent foreign retailers gaining market access Find two examples of foreign companies in joint venture with a Chinese company

6 Resource Four Tasks: Define Fortune 500.
Find the names of the three biggest TNCS from Japan, China and India. Question: describe and explain the changes in the number of TNCs from China, India and Japan from 2204 to 2014 (10).

7 Resource Five Tasks: Define FDI.
Find three examples of FDI into India and China. Question: compare the ease of starting an operating a business in China, India and USA (8).

8 Resource Six Tasks: Define HDI, Gini Coefficient and SPI.
Describe HDI, Gini Coefficient and SPI. Research the HDI and Gini Coefficient for New Zealand, India, China, Japan, UK and Chad. Question: evaluate the usefulness of using HDI, Gini Coefficient and SPI for measuring development.

9 Resource Six Tasks: Define BHN, FW and OP.
Question: Describe the results shown in Figure 6 from the 2014 SPI. (10)

10 Resource Seven Tasks: Define democracy, general election, prime minister, communism, single-party state, Local People’s Congress, industrialisation. Research the names and brief description of the Head of State of India and China.

11 Resource Seven Tasks: Define GNI and Democracy Index Score
Question: describe the relationship between democracy and economic development in Asia using data from Figure 7 (6).

12 Resource Eight Tasks: Define infrastructure and subsidies
Research how India subsidises families and viewpoints on this.

13 Resource Eight Tasks: Define extreme poverty
Research how many people still live in poverty in China, and how many people have moved out of poverty in India recently. Question: Describe the distribution of infrastructure spending in the Asia-Pacific region (5).

14 Resource Nine Tasks: Describe the annual trend in military spending for China and India.

15 Resource Ten Tasks: Define population structure, demographic dividends and population projection. Describe the difference in population projections for the four countries shown.

16 Resource Eleven Tasks: Research the meaning of ‘Japan’s lost decade’.
What is the difference between the two GDP predictions given? Why is it difficult to predict economic performance? In the future, what demographic challenges will India and China face? (8)

17 Resource Twelve Tasks:
Describe the changes in economy which have occurred and are predicted for China, India, USA and Japan. Use data from figure 12.

18 Resource Thirteen Tasks:
Why is China considered the world’s biggest consumer? Use figures from the graph. Research how India, Japan, USA, the EU and China’s consumption are predicted to grow in the next twenty years.

19 Resource Fourteen Tasks:
Define nutrition transition, diet revolution and freshwater Research how global diets are changing Explain why China and India will increase energy demand in the future

20 Resource Fourteen Tasks:
Describe the distribution of changes in temperature shown in the model. Research the possible impacts of climate change on China and India.

21 Resource Fifteen Tasks:
Define superpower, world player, regional player Give three examples in each category, with evidence Question: place China, India, Japan and into the hierarchy and justify your choices (10)

22 View One Tasks: Research the authors of this work, what bias do they have? To what extent do you agree with the view?

23 View Two Tasks: Define modern slavery
Research the authors of this work, what bias do they have? To what extent do you agree with the view?

24 View Three Tasks: Research the authors of this work, what bias do they have? To what extent do you agree with the view?

25 View Four Tasks: Define state capitalism, idle labour and one child policy. Research the authors of this work, what bias do they have? To what extent do you agree with the view?

26 View Five Tasks: Define maritime claims, shipping routes, blue-water navy, and expansionist. Research China’s maritime conflicts in the South China Sea. How many are there, who are they in conflict with, and why? Research the authors of this work, what bias do they have? To what extent do you agree with the view?

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