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Managing Board and Board meeting

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1 Managing Board and Board meeting
8th October 2015 Brussels, Belgium

2 1. Welcome and approval of the meeting agenda

3 2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting

4 3. Financial Matters

5 b) Financial status 31st August 2015
INCOME 31/12/2014 31/08/2015 67% BUDGET '15 Contributions ,85 ,10 100% ,60 Full Members Associations ,93 ,00 Pan European Companies / Groups (8) ,24 ,80 Associated Professional Members 12.859,68 10.984,30 125% 8.787,80 Associated External Members / Sponsors ,00 Other Income ,18 ,18 126% ,00 Events Participation and Liaison Membership ,00 ,47 146% ,00 EMVO Contributions Member Associations 35.000,69 ,79 103% ,00 Interest & Miscellaneous Income 227,49 62,92 3% 2.000,00 TOTAL ,03 ,28 105% ,60

6 b) Financial status 31st August 2015
EXPENDITURE 31/12/2014 31/08/2015 67% BUDGET '15 General and Overhead Costs ,09 ,94 65% ,21 Office Costs and General Expenditures 78.067,31 55.908,74 71% 79.000,00 Staff and Consultants Fees ,81 ,45 64% ,21 Travel costs, PR and receptions ,48 ,61 ,00 Communication and Publications 44.753,49 22.299,14 46% 48.500,00 Events ,89 ,50 68% ,00 Congress ,87 ,31 75% ,00 Managing Board & Board 13.379,97 10.620,80 89% 12.000,00 Working Groups 20.050,65 8.537,39 43% 20.000,00 Fora / Regional Meeting / DoA 7.105,40 0,00 0% 15.000,00 Other Expenditure 53.368,47 37.966,86 35% ,00 IFPW Membership Fee 5.526,49 6.558,97 109% 6.000,00 EMVO Membership Fee & Costs 39.091,77 29.972,79 30% ,00 Tax, Banking & Miscellaneous Expenditure 8.750,21 1.435,10 48% 3.000,00 TOTAL ,45 ,30 63% ,21 GLOBAL RESULT ,58 ,98 - % 26.308,39

7 c) Proposed budget 2016 INCOME Budget 15 Budget 16 % Contributions
,60 ,14 4% Full Members Associations ,00 ,33 6% Pan European Companies / Groups (8) ,80 ,92 Associated Professional Members 8.787,80 11.258,89 28% Associated External Members / Sponsors ,00 0% Other Income ,00 ,00 26% Events Participation and Liaison Membership ,00 ,00 48% EMVO Contributions Member Associations ,00 Interest & Miscellaneous Income 2.000,00 250,00 -88% TOTAL ,60 ,14 8%

8 c) Proposed budget 2016 EXPENDITURE BUDGET '15 BUDGET '16
General and Overhead Costs ,21 ,00 12% Office Costs and General Expenditures 79.000,00 85.000,00 8% Staff and Consultants Fees ,21 ,00 16% Travel costs, PR and receptions ,00 ,00 2% Communication and Publications 48.500,00 46.000,00 -5% Events ,00 ,00 7% Congress ,00 ,00 11% Managing Board & Board 12.000,00 0% Working Groups 20.000,00 16.000,00 -20% Fora / Regional Meeting / DoA 15.000,00 Other Expenditure ,00 90.500,00 -17% IFPW Membership Fee 6.000,00 8.000,00 33% EMVO Membership Fee & Costs ,00 80.000,00 Tax, Banking & Miscellaneous Expenditure 3.000,00 2.500,00 TOTAL ,21 ,00 9% GLOBAL RESULT 26.308,39 16.813,14 - %

9 c) Contributions GIRP members
Full member associations COUNTRIES Contribution 2016 (+4%) Luxembourg 3.874,33 United Kingdom 38.743,33 Ireland 9.685,83 Germany Portugal Estonia 6.780,08 Greece Hungary Finland Slovenia Denmark Czech Republic 9.495,91 Norway 14.528,75 Slovak Republic 6.647,14 Austria Latvia Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Poland* 4.937,88 Switzerland 20.340,25 Serbia Netherlands 25.183,16 Croatia* Spain 34.869,00 Lithuania Italy Romania 13.896,46 France Iceland 2.712,03 TOTAL = ,33 EUR

10 c) Contributions GIRP members
Direct member companies COMPANIES Contribution 2016 (+ 4%) Celesio 54.262,36 Phoenix SECOF COFARES Alliance Healthcare Germany Pharma Privat Oriola Noweda TOTAL = ,92 EUR

11 c) Contributions GIRP members
Associated members Supporting members ASSOCIATED MEMBERS Contribution 2016 Farmalogist Serbia 2.251,78 Katren Russia TEKB Turkey Eurapharma Georgian Association of Wholesalers  65,000 EUR  50,000 EUR  40,000 EUR  40,000 EUR TOTAL = ,89 EUR  20,000 EUR  20,000 EUR TOTAL = ,00 EUR

12 c) Contributions GIRP members
Liaison members COMPANIES Contribution 2016 Allergan 5.000,00 Merck Serono Mylan Sandoz TEVA OPHACO TOTAL = ,00 EUR

13 c) GIRP members EMVO contributions 2016
Countries Contribution 2016 Luxembourg 1.201,21 Germany 12.012,10 Ireland 3.003,03 Estonia 2.102,12 Portugal Hungary Finland Slovenia Denmark Czech Republic Austria 4.504,54 Slovak Republic Sweden Latvia Netherlands 7.807,87 Bulgaria Spain 10.810,89 Lithuania France Romania United Kingdom TOTAL = ,73 € Amounts without VAT *Greece, Belgium, Italy – EU countries with an exemption will pay as of 2023 only or as soon as connected **Norway, Switzerland, (Serbia, Macedonia) – non-EU countries will pay as soon as they are connected ***Poland, Croatia – will need to pay retroactively when connected to the system

14 4. Approval of GIRP’s internal rules and competencies

15 5. Update on European Stakeholder meeting on medicines shortages

16 European Roundtable on Medicines Shortages
Stakeholders: AESGP, EAEPC, EAHP, EFPIA, EGA, GIRP, PGEU Latest meeting: 8th July 2015 Several areas of discussion: definition of shortages, sources of information, levels of access, substitution, governance, voluntary or mandatory, funding, range of stakeholders involved, timeframes and next steps Aim: establish a set of European guidelines for national stakeholders and authorities for tackling the issue of medicines shortages Conclusions & next steps: First working draft of the guidelines has been shared with GIRP members on 11th August GIRP office has consolidated the comments and shared them with the other stakeholders on 21st September During a recent conference call it became clear that the guidelines paper has sparked serious debate and the meeting on 14th October will be used to get alignment on the paper 2nd Roundtable discussion: 14th October 2015

17 6. GIRP collection of statistical data and qualitative differences in responses

18 GIRP Statistics inquiry 2014
Noticeable differences in the quality and comprehensiveness of the answers Country Reports: Market Environment Pharmaceutical/Wholesale market development 2014. Country Statistics Total number of full-time employees (2013, 2014) – missing from 10 countries Total wholesaler retail sales (2013, 2014) – missing from 12 countries Total wholesale sales in units for (2013, 2014) – missing from 16 countries Average number of packages per order-line Average number of order-lines per delivery Margins Reports Not received from 3 countries

19 GIRP Statistics inquiry 2014
Deadline for Submission of Missing Data: 25 September 2015 Of the 24 countries that were contacted during the second inquiry round 15 responded with amendments and corrections Outstanding figures will need to be acquired through other sources (IMS) These figures will serve as the basis for the IPF Study Update

20 7. Draft Delegated Act – key highlights and status of national stakeholder developments

21 8. GIRP position papers and promotional materials

22 a) The Role of Pharmaceutical Full-line Wholesalers

23 b) Update of other GIRP position papers

24 c) Proposals for GIRP branding
European Healthcare Distribution Association European Pharmaceutical Distribution Association Read slide. Our preference being the: European Healthcare Solutions Association What is yours?

25 9. Upcoming meetings

26 a) GIRP Autumn Meeting 11th-12th November 2015, Brussels
Date Time Location Managing Board and Board 11 November 2015 11h h00 GIRP office, Brussels General Assembly and EUHPB 16h h00 Sofitel, Brussels GIRP & IMS Dinner 20h00 onwards Park Side Brasserie, Brussels General Membership meeting 12 November 2015 09h h00 EP Lunch Reception 12h h30 European Parliament, Brussels Read slide. Our preference being the: European Healthcare Solutions Association What is yours?

27 b) IFPW/HDMA/GIRP Conference 12th – 13th November 2015, Brussels
International Pharmaceutical Distribution Conference Thursday, 12 November – 15:30 to 19:00 Friday, 13 November, 2015 – 09:00 to 16:00 Read slide. Our preference being the: European Healthcare Solutions Association What is yours?

28 Meeting of the Managing Board and Board in February 2016
Dinner - 1st February 2016, from 19:30 onwards Meeting - 2nd February 2016, from 09:00 to 15:00

29 c) 57th Annual General Meeting, 5th – 7th June 2016, Netherlands
Read slide. Our preference being the: European Healthcare Solutions Association What is yours?

30 c) 57th Annual General Meeting, 5th – 7th June 2016, Netherlands
Date Time Location Managing Board and Board (MB+B members only) 05 June 2016 12h h30 Hotel van Oranje, Noordwijk, Netherlands EU Health Policy Briefing (full members only) 16h h00 Annual General Assembly 17h h00 Welcome Dinner 20h00 onwards tbc, Netherlands Annual Conference Day 1 06 June 2016 9h h00 Gala Dinner Annual Conference Day 2 07 June 2016 10h00 – 13h00 Farewell Lunch 13h00 onwards Read slide. Our preference being the: European Healthcare Solutions Association What is yours?

31 d) Other events for GIRP members
Regional meeting GIRP Networking Reception – 2 February 2016 Read slide. Our preference being the: European Healthcare Solutions Association What is yours? GIRP General Membership Meeting – 17 March 2016 GIRP Educational Conference – 18 March 2016 GIRP’s 58th Annual General Meeting 2017

32 Joint Managing Board and Board meeting – October 2016
Read slide. Our preference being the: European Healthcare Solutions Association What is yours?

33 11. Miscellaneous


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