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Making your own PPT The how to’s of PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Making your own PPT The how to’s of PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making your own PPT The how to’s of PowerPoint

2 Objectives Here or here Create a PowerPoint
Find and use a ppt background template Here or here Add text related to a theme: Your hobby, a sport, food, family, music, etc. Use bullets or numbers Add text animations Align text Chose a font style, size, and color Create a box Add a shape or line Insert an image(s) from the internet and site your resource Add slide transitions Add a hyperlink

3 Templates for back ground
Choose your template Templates

4 Requirements for assignment 1
Everything from the objectives plus this: At least 3 slides At least one image from the internet Image(s) must relate to your topic Font size must be large enough to see from back of the room No typos Enough but not too much on the slide Additional things like adding an animation or music or sounds will get you more points

5 Taking in Further Assignment 2
Photo Editing in Pixlr Screen cast Link a file

6 Adding a photograph you take
This info will be added soon.

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