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Objective MNRE and ISA as partners of RE-INVEST would like to consult and engage with all stakeholders to mobilise 121 solar projects. 121 signifies the.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective MNRE and ISA as partners of RE-INVEST would like to consult and engage with all stakeholders to mobilise 121 solar projects. 121 signifies the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roadmap for signing of 121 Projects during 2nd Edition of the Global RE-INVEST 19-21 April,2018

2 Objective MNRE and ISA as partners of RE-INVEST would like to consult and engage with all stakeholders to mobilise 121 solar projects. 121 signifies the number of prospective ISA member countries

3 Definitions of project
A project here refers to details of a chain of activities promoting solar applications for the poor, for the industry, for corporates and for Government. These projects can be small or big, in public or private sector, or even to do with financial closures. The projects can be Government to Government, private to private, private to Government, or any such combinations. The sine qua non of the project is that there should be physical activity involved for solar power generation with the help of financial institutions. A project should be clean, sustainable, scalable and financially viable.

4 Scope: During WFES In Abu Dhabi 7 projects were signed.
Similarly, The 121 projects can be from or outside India. The idea is to consult all stakeholders so that we could put in121 projects. 121 projects can be signed during the RE-INVEST April,2018. This project signing will signify Action to Transaction and put ISA and RE-INVEST in different footing.

5 Projects already signed at Abu Dhabi on 17 January, 2018 During WFES
Sr. No. Company Name Project Name 1. Vyonarc Developers 50 MW Solar Plant at Niger, Nigeria 2. Shakti Pumps 2000 Solar Agri Pumps at Ghana 3. KOSOL Energy 2.0 MW Rooftop Solar plant at San Fransisco, USA using Indian made solar panels of Kosol Energy at Ahmedabad, India 4. Amplus Solar MOU with AEG, Kuwait for 50 MW Rooftop Solar PV Project on BOOT (Built, Own, Operate and Transfer) Mode 5. Zodiac Energy 1.0 MW Solar Rooftop Plant at Village Rajpur Dist. Mehsana, Gujarat, India 6. GENSOL Group Solarig, Spain Advanced Monitoring and Analytics and Platform at Spain and India 7. Jakson Solar Innovative Solar Products for African Markets 8. Hero Future Energy 1.5 GW SPV Plant 9. Greenko Group 10 GW SPV Plant 10. Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited 10 MW SPV Plant

6 Lessons Learnt Standard Formats are required for the signing of the Projects. Formats Should contain : Details of Project and Promoter Information 2-3 PPT Slides Standard Formats in the form of Letter of Intent / Agreement / Commitment These formats will be developed by GSC and NSEFI in consultation with ISA GSC, NSEFI and YES Bank will be supporting and coordinating partners for Project Signing

7 Strategy: A standard and appeal has been sent to the NFPs, of ISA member countries and their contact points in Embassies in India. An appeal to be sent to the global solar associations – such as Global Solar Council, International Solar Energy society, TWI, APVIA, CPIA, Italia Solar, GIZ, German solar Association, Middle East Solar Industries Association (MESIA) Joint programmes to be organised with Indian Associations like PHDCC, CII,FICCI, ASSOCHM, NSEFI, SPDA, ISMA and management Associations for Signing Projects. TV, Media Advertisement , News Papers, e–magazines like EQ, Solar Quarter , PV Tech, APVIA News letter ,TERI news letter, Bridge to India and campaign to be launched . A special cell in ISA for receiving, analysing and finalizing the selected companies and projects for singing during April 2018 at New Delhi. All these activities will be supported and co-ordinated by the Global Solar Council(GSC) , National Solar Energy Federation of India(NSEFI) and YES Bank.

8 Thank You

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