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Christianity Theme 3 D The relationship between religion and society: respect and recognition and the ways that religious traditions view other religions.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity Theme 3 D The relationship between religion and society: respect and recognition and the ways that religious traditions view other religions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity Theme 3 D The relationship between religion and society: respect and recognition and the ways that religious traditions view other religions and non- religious worldviews and their truth claims. Historical developments in religious thought – challenges from secularisation: The conflicting religious and non-religious views on Christianity in the UK (the value of Christian faith schools; whether the UK can be called a ‘Christian country’); beliefs conflicting with laws of the country; perceived challenges to Christianity (decline of role and status of Christianity; reduced impact in public life; restricted religious liberty).

2 Christianity Theme 3 D AO1
Give three pieces of evidence that suggests the UK is a Christian country Give three pieces of evidence that suggest the UK is not a Christian country. What percentage of the UK population were baptised in 2011? What percentage of people said they had no religion in 2011? Are young or old people more likely to say they have no religion? What is a faith school? Three arguments in favour of faith schools? Three arguments against faith schools? What was banned at the Star Wars film? Why? Why was Nadia Eweida suspended from work? What was the outcome? Why do some people support secularisation? How is Christianity trying to be relevant in the 21st Century

3 Christianity Theme 3 D AO1 – Read all the questions before you start this task
Give three pieces of evidence that suggests the UK is a Christian country Give three pieces of evidence that suggest the UK is not a Christian country. What percentage of the UK population were baptised in 2011? What percentage of people said they had no religion in 2011? 30% Schools have Christian affiliation 26 Bishops sit in House of Lords Number of church buildings Parishes Language shaped by King James Bible and BCP TV and Literature 15% attended services weekly – all religions Rites of passage down including marriage, baptism and Christian funeral 12% 25% Are young or old people more likely to say they have no religion? What is a faith school? Three arguments in favour of faith schools? Three arguments against faith schools? Young Woodhead’s research – year olds – 60% said they had no religion. 34% of those over 60 Schools affiliated with a religious tradition Often best performing state schools Values and ethos – love and tolerance Pupils get religious grounding Contradict inclusive and integrated education Don’t teach other religions fairly Ethical issues – abortion and euthanasia not dealt with objectively Creationism and intelligent design taught as scientific theories What was banned at the Star Wars film? Why? Why was Nadia Eweida suspended from work? What was the outcome? Why do some people support secularisation? How is Christianity trying to be relevant in the 21st Century Lord’s Prayer – advert showing different people praying Banned as transgressed policy not to promote political or religious message She refused to cover up a crucifix she was wearing whilst at work (BA) Outcome –she finally won her case in the European Court of Human Rights However, the Bulls lost their case, as did Shirley Chaplin, Gary McFarlane and Lillian Ladele It would lead to a more humane society Religion is associated with violence, authority, repression and intolerance Charismatic worship, religion tries to bring about social change, focus on human rights, growing gender equality, working together with science – McGrath and Polkinghorne

4 ‘The UK is a Christian country.’ Evaluate this view
Yes No Have you included key terms, scholars and statistics? Religion in all society Grace Davie – Christianity as a voluntary activity not a duty Growth of churches esp. charismatic (3B) Christian charity and social work Religion in government (26 Bishops in House of Lords) and the media – Remembrance Day, Meghan Markle baptised for royal wedding Defence of church after Lords prayer was banned from Star Wars Christian values Secularisation – British Social Attitudes surveys, Linda Woodhead Immigration explains growth in churches Legal cases – Chaplin, McFarlane and the Bulls Rites of passage – decline Movement against faith schools Science

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