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DNA Replication 2.7 & 7.1.

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1 DNA Replication 2.7 & 7.1

2 Essential Idea: Genetic information in DNA can be accurately copied and can be translated to make the proteins needed by the cell. 2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation Understandings: The replication of DNA is semi-conservative and depends on complementary base pairing Helicase unwinds the double helix and separates the two strands by breaking hydrogen bonds DNA polymerase links nucleotides together to form a new strand, using the pre-existing strand as a template Applicationss: Use Taq DNA polymerase to produce multiple copies of DNA rapidly by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Skills: Analyze Meselson &Stahl’s results to obtain support for the theory of semi-conservative replication of DNA

3 Essential Idea: The structure of DNA is ideally suited to its function.
7.1 DNA Structure and Replication Understandings: DNA structure suggested a mechanism for DNA replication DNA polymerases can only add nucleotides to the 3’ end of a primer DNA replication is continuous on the leading strand and discontinuous on the lagging strand DNA replication is carried out by a complex system of enzymes Some regions of DNA do not code for proteins but have other important functions Applications: Use of nucleotides containing dideoxyribonucleic acid to stop DNA replication in preparation of samples for base sequencing Tandem repeats are used in DNA profiling

4 I. Nature of Science Meselson & Stahl - Made parent strand with “heavy” N, added free floating DNA nucleotides with “light” N 1st generation – new strands were 50% light, 50% heavy 2nd generation – half of the strands were 50/50, other half were all light

5 B. Watson & Crick’s structure indicated a mechanism for replication because of the complimentary base pairing

6 II. Semi-Conservative Replication

7 II. Semi-Conservative Replication
New strands are composed of 1 strand of parental DNA and 1 strand of newly formed DNA B. Free-floating nucleotides Can be DNA or RNA Triphosphates – reactions to remove extra two phosphates are exergonic – provide the energy to build the new strand

8 III. Replication Enzymes

9 III. Replication Enzymes
Function Helicase Unzips & unwinds DNA Gyrase Relieves strain of unwound DNA SSBs Help hold DNA open and stabilize it Primase Builds RNA Primer DNA Polymerase III Builds new DNA strand DNA Polymerase I Replaces RNA primer with DNA DNA Ligase Joins Okazaki fragments together

10 IV. The Process A. The Steps

11 IV. The Process A. The Steps
Helicase unzips DNA (breaks hydrogen bonds) creating a replication bubble at the origin of replication Multiple origins per chromosome in eukaryotes Each side of bubble has replication fork Bubble enlarges as replication proceeds until bubbles meet


13 2. Primase builds a short primer of RNA nucleotides (5 – 10 bases)


15 DNA Polymerase III builds the complimentary strand of DNA in the 5’  3’ direction
a. Free-floating DNA nucleotides move in to match up with parent strand, DNA polymerase III moves along and binds them together


17 4. DNA Polymerase I replaces RNA primer with DNA nucleotides


19 B. Leading and Lagging Strands
New nucleotides must be added on to the 3’ end Leading strand – Bases easily added as DNA is unzipped


21 Lagging Strand – has a delay
a. Section unzips, then strand is built back towards origin b. Results in chunks called Okazaki fragments c. DNA ligase bonds Okazaki fragments together after primer is replaced

22 V. Speed and Accuracy

23 V. Speed and Accuracy ~4000 nucleotides per second Few errors, but also have proof-reading mechanisms – enzymes (exonucleases) cut out mistake and replace with correct base (also activated by mutations such as by uv radiation, x-rays, etc.)

24 VI. Non-Coding DNA

25 VI. Non-Coding DNA Coding sequences code for proteins = GENES (only about 1.5% of DNA in humans) Non-coding regions 1. Produce tRNA & rRNA 2. Regulate gene expression – can act as enhancers or silencers


27 Repetitive Sequences (moderately or highly)
% of genome (over 50% in eukaryotes) 2. Telomeres (ends of chromosomes) – protect coding regions - during replication, enzymes can’t get all the way to the end of the chromosome  lose a bit of DNA each time

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