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The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks

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1 The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Daniel 9

2 Structure of Daniel The Historical Setting – The Babylonian Captivity – Chap. 1 The captivity of Jerusalem (1:1-2) The Conscription of Certain Jews for Special Training (1:3-7) The Commitment of Daniel and His Companions (1:8-16) The Choice of Daniel and His Companions for Royal Service (1:17-21) The Prophetic Course of Gentile Domination (chaps. 2-7) The Dreams of Nebuchadnezzar (chaps. 2-4) The Debauch and Doom of Belshazzar (chap. 5) The Decree of Darius (chap. 6) The Dream of Daniel (chap. 7) The Prophetic History of Israel: Through Desolation to Deliverance (chaps. 8-12) The Prophecy of the Ram and He-Goat (chap. 8) The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks (chap. 9) The Prophecy of Israel’s Subjection and Restoration (chaps )

3 From the International Inductive
Study Bible, p

4 Outline of Daniel 9 The General Setting (9:1-2)
Daniel’s Prayer (9:3-19) The Prophecy of the 70 Weeks (9:20-27)

5 Israel’s Division and Captivity
Northern Kingdom 10 Tribes Capital: Samaria Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah 70 Year Captivity Jeroboam, followed by 18 bad kings. 722 BC 536 BC 605 BC 1043 BC 538 BC Decree of Cyrus 931 BC United King-dom under Saul, David, & Solomon (112 years) 597 BC Ezekiel & 10,000 586 BC Jerusalem destroyed Southern Kingdom Tribes Capital: Jerusalem 605 BC Daniel & 3 friends The book of Daniel covers events from 605 BC (the first stage of the 70 year Babylonian captivity) to approximately 537 BC, the third year of the reign of the Persian king Cyrus (Dan 10:1). Rehoboam, followed by 11 bad and 8 good kings.

6 Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks – Dan 9:24-27
69 weeks = 483 years 70th week 1 week = 7 years 7 weeks = 49 years 62 weeks = 434 years Artaxerxes decree to re-build Jerusalem, 444 B.C. (Neh 2:1-8) Completion of rebuilding of Jerusalem. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, A.D. 33 (Luke 19:28-38). After the 69 weeks (Dan 9:26): Messiah is cut-off. Jerusalem is destroyed in A.D. 70. The prince of the people to come (i.e. Antichrist) makes a firm covenant with the many for one week, but puts a stop to sacrifice and offering halfway through the week (Dan 9:27). 69 weeks x 7 = 483 years x 360 days/year = 173, 880 days This is exactly the number of days between Nisan 1 (March 5) 444 B.C., the proposed date of Artaxerxes’ decree and March 30, A.D. 33, the date of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

7 Daniel’s 70th Week 3 ½ years = 1260 days 3 ½ years = 1260 days
Abomination of Desolation (Matt 24:15; Dan 9:27) marks halfway point of 70th week. “The Great Tribulation” (Matt 24:16-21; Dan 12:1). Outpouring of trumpet and bowl judgments of Rev 8-9, Antichrist given authority to act for a period of 42 months = 1260 days (Dan 7:24-25; Rev 13:3-7; 2 Thess 2:8-9). “Beginning of birth pangs” (Matt 24:3-8). This is time of the breaking of the first 6 seals of Rev 6.

8 The Preparation of Daniel Daniel 10
Next Time: The Prophecy of Israel’s Subjection and Restoration Daniel 10 – 12 The Preparation of Daniel Daniel 10

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