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Feedback Maximising impact on learning Minimising teacher time

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1 Feedback Maximising impact on learning Minimising teacher time

2 Background research Hattie Dweck Education Endowment Foundation
Great feedback provides a map – a mode of processing but also motivating and ensuring that a knowledge gap is bridgeable and does not become a chasm. Dweck Learn from feedback, see mistakes as useful & persevere despite obstacles. Education Endowment Foundation High impact – very low cost Learners know how to improve: redirects / refocuses Learners given time & encouragement to reflect & improve TC. Importance of feedback: effect on learning. Research shared early. Feedback policy (not marking policy)

3 “Just in time – Just for me – Just what I need”
NPQH project Clear link to Learning Journey Provides next steps Moves future learning on Time to digest & act Self-regulation FP. “Just in time – Just for me – Just what I need”

4 Workload Group Key Recommendations
“Effective marking is an essential part of the education process…an interaction between teacher and pupil…primary aim of driving pupil progress.” Meaningful: advance pupil progress and outcomes. Manageable: proportionate and time effective. Quality not confused with quantity. Motivating: value pupils’ efforts, achievements and progress. TC The quality of feedback should not be confused with the quantity… the quality will be seen in how a pupil is able to tackle subsequent work. Meaningful: serve a single purpose: to advance pupil progress and outcomes. Consistency across a school can come from consistent high standards. Manageable: Proportionate and is cost and time effective. If teachers are spending more time on marking than the children are on piece of work then the proportion is wrong and should be changed. Feedback can be spoken, written marking, peer marking and self-assessment. Motivating: Help to motivate pupils to make progress. Value efforts, achievements and progress. Pupils should be taught and encouraged to check their own work by understanding the success criteria, so that they complete work to the highest standard.

5 Keep policy & practice simple: Embed it
Hampshire Project 16-17 Feedback at point of learning Time to think & improve Pre-assessments / pre-learning Cutaway / Peelaway groups Inform next steps / planning Keep policy & practice simple: Embed it TC. Number of primary schools. Visits. Book looks. Shared policies & practices.

6 Our Feedback policy Principles Aims FP. Principles. Aims.
Allow colleagues to read. Any comments / questions.

7 Learner examples @francescaprett2 @tim_jumpclarke TC.
Hand out examples. Discuss. Q&A

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