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The 1950s By: Martin Domenech.

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1 The 1950s By: Martin Domenech

2 Welcome to the 50s I think the 50’s is very important because a lot of things happened during that decade like, Disneyland, color t.v, the Korean War, Legos, McDonald's, Peanuts (the cartoon), Elvis and much more.

3 Fashion in the 50s During World War II America was rationing stuff like metals, food and even fabrics, so a typical clothing was just a simple outfit. When World War II ended we stopped rationing so clothing boomed with colors. In the 50s pink and black clothing were the most popular. Popular accessories were rabbit fur collars and big jewelry and beads. Popular hair styles were Duck-Tail styles and Spit Curls. The differences between Men’s and Women’s fashion was that women liked to wear colors on their dresses. For men, they liked to wear dark colors for business suits. Jeans were only worn for extreme sporting events, and Instead of vests to men wore cardigan sweaters Spit Curls Duck-Tail Fashion

4 Music in the 50s Rock and Roll, Jazz and Doo Wop were all very popular during the 50s. Elvis Presley and Pablo Casals were all very popular during the 50s. Elvis Presley sold his first Rock and Roll million selling album, in 1950s. Pablo Casals was a conductor from Spain, and he was a famous cellist. (a cellist is a classical instrument) Jailhouse (Elvis)

5 Food in the 50s In the 50s people didn’t really have a diet. They just ate what their parents cooked for them. Even parents didn’t really get in to diets. Popular meals were Meatloaf, Pot roast, Chicken pot pie and Turkey with stuffing. Until we started eating more Fast Food than home cooked meals. During the 50s Fast Food restaurants were called “Take Home” meals. The first Dunkin Donuts was founded by William Rosenberg. The first Burger King was located in Miami, Florida. Hamburgers and milkshakes were only 18 cents each. People really did both, they cook at home and dine out.

6 Hobbies in the 50s For entertainment people watched the new colored T.V,. Here are a few popular shows Tom and Jerry, Davey and Goliath, Sea Hunt, Bonanza and Looney Tunes. Movies people liked to watch were called The Day Earth Stood Still, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan and much more. If you were to go to your sisters room you would probably find Barbie Dolls, Play-Doh and maybe a hula hoop and Legos. Those toys were all invented in the 50s. The Mambo, the West Coast Swing and Cha Cha were popular dances in the 50s.

7 Inventions\Technology in the 50s
In 1955 Eugene Polley invented the “FlashMatic” which was the first wireless remote. The wireless remote was important because you don’t have sit really close to the T.V, you can just sit down on the couch and relax. This invention is really helpful, the Polio Vaccine. This invention was important because it was really dangerous virus that spread from person to person and infect their brain and spinel cord. In rare occasions people get paralyzed and the virus attacks the muscles that help them breathe.

8 Politics in the 50s Harry S. Truman was president from 1945 to 1953 and he was our 33rd president. Dwight D. Eisenhower was president from 1953 to Harry S. Truman had to deal with the Korean War, the Korean War began on June 25, 1950 and it ended on July 27, It was a war between North and South Korea. The United Nations led by the U.S fought for the South, while China and the Soviet Union fought for the North. In the 50s the Brown vs. Board of Education was a law that schools are now desegregated. Another law was the bus boycott which lead to end segregation on buses.

9 Values/ Culture in the 50s
In the 50s their was many political issues like the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr lead the movement of African Americans against whites and the Brown vs. Board of Education. The Civil Rights Movement started in 1954 and ended in It was a time that African Americans wanted the same rights as white people. Whites sometimes even killed them because of their color of their skin. Rosa Parks help end segregation on buses. One day she wouldn’t get up from her seat for a white man, that created the bus boycott. The bus boycott was that a group of African Americans wouldn’t get on the buses, and if they didn’t get on the buses the bus company's would lose money. The Brown vs. Board of Education ended segregation in schools. It all started because a little girl named Linda Brown. She wanted to go to a school really close to her house but it was for whites only. instead she had to go to a school 2 miles away from her house. Linda Browns parents hired a lawyer named Marshall. He won the debate that schools wouldn’t be segregated anymore. Women were the helpers of the house they did a lot of stuff like clean the windows, make dinner, do work, but some wanted a good education. In the 50s women like jobs such as nursing, teaching and typing. There was popular slang like Are you writing a book (you ask to many questions) Cloud 9 (really happy) Cut out (leave) and there was a lot more.

10 The Economy in the 50s Other parts of the world struggled to rebuild after World War 2 but President Eisenhower helped the Americas economy. Eisenhower did many things to help, first of all he lowered taxes to a good amount, he also balanced budgets, and he helped on spending on new homes. There wasn’t any shortages because 50s boom happened. That was when U.S grew very fast, a lot of factories were made, a lot of houses were being made, a lot of babies were being made (which meant more houses) U.S got cheap oil from other countries (which meant more factories) while Europe and Japan are trying to recover when they got bombed in World War2. Some rich people even got their own swimming pool in the suburbs, the 50s boom really help U.S.

11 Extra Facts about the 50s Here are some extra facts about the 50s.
Did you know that Hillary was the first person to climb Mt. Everest. Disneyland was created by Walt Disney. NASA is founded because Russia put the first satellite in space. Cars needed to have seatbelts. Dr. Seuss published The Cat in the Hat.

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