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ERWC Vocabulary Six.

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1 ERWC Vocabulary Six

2 Avaricious Adjective Extremely greedy
Avarice: noun (greed) Extremely greedy The avaricious investment banker ripped off many of his clients.

3 Bane Noun Something harmful Bane is a bane for Gotham City.

4 Boon Noun Something beneficial
The extra credit assignment was a boon for the entire class.

5 Censure Verb To criticize harshly
O’Neal censured the class with such fury and disdain that half of them began weeping immediately.

6 Deride Verb To mock or ridicule someone
Derision: Noun To mock or ridicule someone The team was derided by all of the other teams until they started winning.

7 Enumerate Verb To list items individually
She carefully enumerated all of the reasons why she was breaking up with him.

8 Flippant Adjective Disrespectful/Sarcastic
His flippant remark earned him a chancla to the head.

9 Gesticulate Verb To move one’s hands while
speaking/to communicate meaning He couldn’t figure out that the people on the beach were gesticulating to him to get out of the water because a crocodile was following him.

10 Grammar Nuance Farther vs. Further
Farther: for a measurable physical distance. I walked farther than you. You threw the ball farther than I. Further: imaginary, unmeasurable, to a greater degree Let’s discuss this matter further later.

11 Ghastly Adjective Shocking/horrible
The basketball player suffered a ghastly injury while chasing down a fast break.

12 Incredulous Adjective Unwilling or unable to believe
I was incredulous when I discovered the following: at an average rate of return, Bill Gates earns over $100 per second from his investments and interest. (

13 Obtuse Adjective Slow to understand (sometimes on purpose)
I get frustrated with my obtuse friend who cannot understand any of the vocabulary that I use.

14 Grammar Nuances Weather vs. Whether Weather: rain, snow, etc.
This weather sucks. Whether: Possibility I’m not sure whether or not I will go.

15 Precarious Adjective Unsteady
Precariously: adverb (unsteadily) Unsteady The precarious pile of books on my desk is about to tip over.

16 Sordid Adjective Indecent/Sleazy
No one wants to hear the sordid details of your inane relationship.

17 Superfluous Adjective Beyond what is necessary
Since you already have 100% in the class, the extra credit is superfluous.

18 Grammar Nuance That vs. Who Who is for people:
There are many who agree with me. You are the one who took my Taylor Swift T-shirt. That is for things and animals: I couldn’t sleep because of the dog that was barking. The cars that passed were noisy, too.

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