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HW: The Sun Handout. Quiz Tuesday 4/25. Textbooks due by Monday!

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Presentation on theme: "HW: The Sun Handout. Quiz Tuesday 4/25. Textbooks due by Monday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: To recognize and understand the composition and make up of our largest star, the Sun
HW: The Sun Handout. Quiz Tuesday 4/25. Textbooks due by Monday! Do Now: /20/17 1) Take out the orange flame HW article. 2) In your DO NOW section, Write down the answer to this question: Look at the image to the right, How do you think these are made to create different flame colors?

2 Why is the color of a flame usually orange?
What are the two things colors in a flame depend on? What color light is given off when these chemicals are heated? Sodium_______ Calcium________ Phosphorus________ The temperature of the fire and what is being burned. yellow deep red green

3 General SUN Information
The sun is over _____________ larger than Earth (about 870,000 miles in diameter) Every second our sun ________ enough energy to power the United States of America for millions of years Our sun is not the ____________ star in the universe 100 times radiates biggest

4 Where its Energy comes from
High temperature and pressure at the very center of the sun squeezes ______________ atoms together tightly and quickly. This process is called _________________. This happens in the __________ Hydrogen Nuclear fusion Sun’s Core

5 Sun’s Atmosphere Layers
There are three layers of atmosphere around the sun: Photosphere Chromosphere Corona Temperature of these layers get hotter as they get further from the surface of the sun

6 Photosphere What our eyes perceive as the ______________ layer of the sun. ______________ in color and about 10,000oF _____________________ are found on this layer which are ________________________ than the photosphere. These sunspots follow an ________ year cycle that scientists are still studying. Visible Yellow Sunspots Cooler 11 Many sunspots are as big OR bigger than the Earth!!

7 Chromosphere above hydrogen Solar prominences Coronal mass ejections
This layer is just _________ the photosphere Mostly made of ___________ and is about 36,000 degrees F This layer gives off ___________________ from the Sun Great arcs called _______________________ are found here Particles are ejected into the solar wind at high speeds are called _________________________________. hydrogen solar flares Solar prominences Coronal mass ejections Pictures of a Coronal Mass Ejection (1980)

8 Difference between Solar Flare and Prominence
Solar flares stream off the sun Prominences look like loops

9 Corona The corona looks like a _______ that is visible during a _______________ Its temperature can run up to ___________ degrees F halo Solar eclipse two million

10 Video: Size Comparison of our Sun

11 Lab pg 67 - Coloring the Sun


13 THE SUN by Tim and Moby

14 Exit: 1. Which layer of the sun’s interior is the hottest?
2. Which layer of the sun’s atmosphere is the hottest? Corona Chromosphere Core Radiative Zone Convective Photosphere

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