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Creative Cooking 1 FRUITS

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Cooking 1 FRUITS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Cooking 1 FRUITS

2 Strawberry, orange, grapefruit, melon

3 Nutritionally Fruits are High in Vitamins Low in Fat
Fruits should be washed in cold running water (fruit retains most nutrients)

4 Vitamins Best sources of Vitamin C are Citrus Fruits
(need about 75mg/day) (oranges 1 c. = 97.5mg) Strawberries are high as well (1 c. = 89.4mg)

5 Fruits High in Vitamin A
Bright yellow fruits Cantaloupes Apricots

6 Fruit can be purchased Fresh – nutritionally best Frozen Dried
Canned – nutritionally worst, lose nutrients to water pack.

7 Qualities of Purchased fruit
Ripe fruit – ready to eat, peak color, peak taste, aromatic Under ripe – full sized but not peak quality, will ripen Immature – small, poor color, flavor & texture will not improve

8 By Physical Characteristics Where They Are Grown
Fruits are Classified By Physical Characteristics Where They Are Grown

9 Berries

10 Berries Thin skinned Grown in clusters Delicate Juicy
Contain tiny edible seeds

11 Strawberries Blueberries Raspberries Cranberries

12 Grapes are also berries, why?

13 Berry Selection: Correct color to start (will not ripen with time)
No mold Not dimpled or shriveled (due to moisture loss) Grapes should not fall off of stem

14 Special handling Do not wash berries until ready to use
Grapes are berries that will sweeten with age

15 Fruit Haiku Poems Haiku poems are five syllables seven syllables

16 My Sample: Pomes Buy with no bruises Can contain several seeds Apples, Pears, YUMMY! Which ever kitchen writes a poem first (that makes sense) will win that round, the group that wins overall will get to pick their recipe first when we create the veggie lab.

17 Drupes Fleshy fruit Single pit center

18 Drupes include: Peaches Apricots Nectarines

19 Another Drupe

20 Another Drupe???

21 Drupe Selection Should not have bruises Yield slightly to pressure
Will ripen faster when kept in brown paper bag Do not buy too hard – may not ripen

22 Fruit Haiku Poems Haiku poems are five syllables seven syllables

23 Pomes

24 Pomes Fruit that has several seeds Such as:

25 Pomes selection Select ones without bruises
Apples should be purchased when firm, and at peak quality Pears yield slightly to pressure (can ripen in brown bag)

26 Fruit Haiku Poems Haiku poems are five syllables seven syllables

27 Citrus

28 Citrus fruits Are segmented Thick outer skin
Thin membrane separating segments

29 Citrus fruits include

30 Variations of oranges Tangerines
Tangelos (grapefruit, orange, & tangerine Crossbreed) Navel Valencia Clementines (seedless Mandarin)

31 Citrus Fruit Selection
Free from bruises Should not be soft or shriveled

32 Fruit Haiku Poems Haiku poems are five syllables seven syllables

33 Melons

34 Melons Are large Contain many seed Have thick skins

35 Melons:

36 Melon selection Dry stem Aromatic at stem end
Hollow melon sound when thumped Shake – if you can hear seeds moving inside melon is ripe (not on watermelon)

37 Fruit Haiku Poems Haiku poems are five syllables seven syllables

38 Tropical Grown in hot climate Considered exotic Characteristics
vary with fruit

39 Tropical fruits

40 A different tropical, not so unusual, could it also be another category?

41 Tropical fruits: Pomegranate Kiwi Pineapple Bananas Mango Papaya
Star fruit

42 Bananas Ninos Plantains

43 Bananas selection Should be free from bruises Will ripen at room temp
Refrigeration slows ripening Will turn peel black if refrigerated

44 Canned Fruits Last a very long time
When packed in own juices are lower in calories (less sugar) vs. simple syrup Are available in off season May not have same texture as fresh fruit

45 Choose cans Free from dents Bulges Leaks

46 Frozen Fruit Fruits are available in the off season
Loses texture when thawed Can be refrozen but loses quality Buy packages without frost and with loose pieces of fruit (not in block)

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