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Lec 25: Ch2.(T&LD): Site planning

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Presentation on theme: "Lec 25: Ch2.(T&LD): Site planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lec 25: Ch2.(T&LD): Site planning
Understand the difference between the “linear” site planning process and systems approach Know what may be involved in reviewing a proposed land development Understand the the scale of development requires different levels of traffic analysis and facility design Understand we need to have a conceptual plan (or a preliminary plan) in order to identify alternatives and associated problems before we get involved in detailed planning and design

2 Pitfalls of “linear” site-design process
Possible problems of the linear process: Inadequate access capacity On-site congestions Congestion on the public street system High accident experience Limited flexibility to adjust the design or operation to changed conditions Building location & design On-site parking & circulation Access location & design Access design is like an “after thought” No feedback

3 Benefits of the systems approach
Lots of feedback opportunities Involve the traffic engineer from the beginning! Before building location and design are finalized and financial commitments are made, estimate potential traffic impacts on the site and the off-site, affected areas and identify possible solutions.

4 Proposed Development Review (PDR) Process
Consisting of: Financial feasibility study  Determine the market area of influence, the projected build-out/lease-out period, and the potential short- and long-term return on investment. Site-plan review: Site design, access location and design, and other elements See page 19 for check items Traffic impact analysis (TIA)  a specialized study of the impact a certain type and size of development will have on the surrounding transportation system. The first two items define the scale of TIA required

5 T I A TIA  Concerned with the generation, distribution, and assignment of traffic to and from a proposed development through the road network surrounding the development. Also TIA is to determine what impact the existing and projected traffic on the roadway system will have on the proposed development. When is it required? All development which can be expected to generate more traffic than some specified threshold All applications for rezoning Any change in the use of an existing commercial or industrial site The previous TIA is more than 2 years old or where increased land use intensity will result in an increase in traffic generation by more than 15% or a directional distribution in the site traffic by more than 20%

6 Typical content of a TIA
Existing conditions Trip generation and design hour volumes Trip distribution and traffic assignment Existing and projected traffic volumes Capacity analysis Traffic accidents Traffic improvements Conclusions Summary of findings and recommendations Sound familiar… Topics of CEEn 562

7 Planning scales: Corridor, project, or site planning issues
(Compare the size of impacted area) Corridor Level Arterials and collectors placement & Impact of the development on these facilities

8 Planning scales: Corridor, project, or site planning issues (cont)
Site level parking, building footprint, site circulation (See Tab 2-1) Project level Impacts on adjacent properties and roadways and the placement of access

9 Conceptual site plan: An example
Objective: Identify suitable areas for various developments Major land use planning determinants Existing transp. network

10 Conceptual site plan: An example (cont)
Site characteristics of 6 sub areas, used to determine a preliminary distribution of land use

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