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VCE Computing Units 3 & 4: Informatics

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1 VCE Computing Units 3 & 4: Informatics

2 Course Description – Unit 3
VCE Computing is a relatively new VCE course, incorporating changes that took effect in 2016, redesigned to ensure that students gain knowledge and experience of all aspects of computing – with the aim of either a career in computing/Information Technology or as an important foundation for a wide range of careers and/or further studies. Students do NOT have to have studied VCE Information Technology in Year 11, Units 1 and 2. There are 2 units offered at Year 12. Unit 3: Informatics Outcome 1: Organisations and Data Management Design a solution, develop it using a relational database management system and diagrammatically represent how users interact with an online solution when supply data for an online transaction. Outcome 2: Data analytics: drawing conclusions Use a range of appropriate techniques and processes to acquire, prepare, manipulate and interpret complex data to confirm or refute a hypothesis, and formulate a project plan to manage progress.

3 Course Description – Unit 4
Unit 4: Informatics Outcome 1: Data Analytics: presenting the findings Design, develop and evaluate a multi-modal online solution that confirms or refutes a hypothesis, and assess the effectiveness of the project plan in managing progress. Outcome 2: Information Management Compare and contrast the effectiveness of information management strategies used by two organisations to manage the storage and disposal of data and information, and recommend improvements to their current practices. These may need some explaining, as the terminology can be a little confusing initially. Please contact Paul Mlynarz, ICT Co-ordinator, or should you wish further information.

4 Subject pathway…. VCE Computing provides a pathway to further studies in areas such as computer science, information systems, business, systems engineering, robotics, linguistics, logistics, database management and software development, and to careers in digital-technologies based areas such as information architecture, web design, business analysis and project management. Advanced computing skills form a solid foundation for a wide range of careers and/or study.

5 More information…. We understand that VCE/IT jargon can sometimes be difficult to interpret. For more information about the course and its opportunities, please contact: Paul Mlynarz ICT Co-ordinator

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