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Management Fraud and Audit Risk

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1 Management Fraud and Audit Risk
Chapter 4 Management Fraud and Audit Risk ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

2 1. Errors, Fraud, and Noncompliance
Definitions Errors - unintentional Fraud (irregularities) - intentional Noncompliance with laws and regulations (Illegal acts) violations of the law Auditor’s responsibilities History Errors & Fraud: SAS 1, SAS 16, SAS 53, SAS 82, SAS 99 Illegal Acts: SAS 54 ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

3 1. Errors, Fraud, and Noncompliance (continued)
Auditor’s Responsibility for Errors and Fraud (AU-C 240) design and conduct the audit to provide reasonable assurance that material errors and fraud will be discovered, and report the findings to appropriate parties Auditor’s Responsibility for Noncompliance with laws and regulations (Illegal Acts) (AU-C 250) direct effect noncompliance — same indirect effect noncompliance — have general level of awareness and act on those discovered make inquiries carry out some procedures to identify noncompliance Questions ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

4 1. Errors, Fraud, and Noncompliance (continued)
Steps involved in Considering the Risk of Fraud Staff discussion Obtain information needed to identify risks Identify risks Assess identified risks Respond to results of assessment Evaluate audit evidence Communicate about fraud Document consideration of fraud ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

5 2. Fraud Causes of Misstatements Causes Errors Fraud
Misappropriation Fraudulent of Assets Financial Reporting ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

6 2. Fraud (continued) EXHIBIT 3.1 ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

7 2. Fraud (continued) Fraudulent financial reporting (cooking the books) (management fraud) falsification of financial statements falsification or omissions of transactions Misappropriation of assets (employee fraud) larceny embezzlement ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

8 2. Fraud (continued) ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

9 2. Fraud (continued) Overview of Fraud (outline) costs discovery
victims perpetrators common characteristics types ACCT-4080 Chapter 4


11 2. Fraud (continued) Prevalence of fraud Current frauds
Reasons to study fraud Fraud related job opportunities ACFE CFE ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

12 3. Audit Risk ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

13 3. Audit Risk AU-C 320 – Audit Risk General business risks
Engagement risk Audit Risk Model (Intended to serve as a conceptual model rather than a mathematical model) AR = RMM x DR AR = IR x CR x DR AR = IR x CR x TD x AP Audit Risk definition the risk that the auditor may unknowingly fail to appropriately modify his or her opinion on financial statements that are materially misstated the danger that the auditor will fail to detect material misstatements in the financial statements and issues the wrong opinion Must apply AR model at financial statement level; at assertion level for significant accounts ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

14 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Risk of Material Misstatement product of inherent risk and control risk consider at entity level and significant account/assertion level Inherent Risk the susceptibility of an account balance to error assuming there are no controls based on auditor’s judgment considering understanding of entity, nature of account (routine, systematic processing, complexity, etc), and fraud considerations Control Risk the risk that IC will not prevent or detect a material error on a timely basis based on tests of control’s effectiveness ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

15 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Detection Risk the risk that the auditor’s procedures will not detect a material error the product of Tests of Details Risk (TD) and Substantive Analytical Procedures Risk (AP) Tests of Details Risk the risk that tests of details will not detect a material error Substantive Analytical Procedures Risk the risk that analytical procedures (or other procedures that do not utilize sampling) will not detect a material error ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

16 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Risks defined in negative Auditor’s control over risks AR components assessed for each significant account and assertion Relationship between RMM and DR DR and amount of substantive testing ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

17 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Subjectively considering Audit Risk Quantifying Audit Risk not required DR = AR / IR x CR TD = AR / IR x CR x AP Questions Examples ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

18 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Significant Risk - AU-C .04 An identified and assessed risk of material misstatement that, in the auditor's professional judgment, requires special audit consideration. .30 If the auditor has determined that a significant risk exists, the auditor should obtain an understanding of the entity's controls, including control activities, relevant to that risk and, based on that understanding, evaluate whether such controls have been suitably designed and implemented to mitigate such risks. .A139 - Significant risks often relate to significant nonroutine transactions and matters that require significant judgment (e.g., estimates)… ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

19 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Significant Risk - AS 2110 .70 To determine a significant risk auditor should evaluate whether risk requires special audit consideration because of the nature of the risk or the likelihood and potential magnitude of misstatement related to the risk determination of whether a risk of material misstatement is a significant risk is based on inherent risk, without regard to the effect of controls .71 a fraud risk is a significant risk ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

20 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Significant account AS 2201.A10 An account or disclosure is a significant account or disclosure if there is a reasonable possibility that the account or disclosure could contain a misstatement that, individually or when aggregated with others, has a material effect on the financial statements, considering the risks of both overstatement and understatement. The determination of whether an account or disclosure is significant is based on inherent risk, without regard to the effect of controls. ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

21 3. Audit Risk (continued)
General guidelines Inherent Risk High > 60% Moderate 40% % Low < 40% Control Risk Maximum = 100% High > 70% Moderate 40% % Very Low < 10% ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

22 3. Audit Risk (continued)
Analytical Procedures Risk High > 50% Moderate 20% % Low % % Very Low < 10% ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

23 4. Analytical Procedures
Definition Analytical Procedures involve comparisons of relationships between f/s accts in absolute amount or ratios between two or more years budgets and actual amounts forecasts and actual amounts financial measures to nonfinancial data relationships between entities in same industry ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

24 4. Analytical Procedures (Continued)
Uses in an audit planning stage as a substantive test (SAP) final review stage Required use ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

25 4. Analytical Procedures (Continued)
Steps develop an expectation define a significant difference compare expectation with recorded amount investigate significant differences document each step ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

26 4. Analytical Procedures (Continued)
In planning stage enhances auditor’s understanding identifies risk areas uses highly aggregated data generally financial data ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

27 4. Analytical Procedures (Continued)
Substantive analytical procedures based on level of DR based on auditor judgment balance sheet data vs. income statement data often uses non-financial data Example ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

28 4. Analytical Procedures (Continued)
In final evaluation stage uses aggregated data usually financial data review same data used in planning stage Questions ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

29 5. Review Questions for Discussion
Chapter 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.12 4.14 4.17 4.18 ACCT-4080 Chapter 4

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