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Daoism Its early years.

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Presentation on theme: "Daoism Its early years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daoism Its early years

2 Historical context and basic ideas
When did “Daoism” start to develop in China? What was happening in China at the time? Who was Laozi and what do we know about him? And why do we care? How would you explain the concept of dao 道? Wuwei 無爲, nonaction? How does Daoism identify good and evil? What is qi 氣? What is the job of the sage? How does “Daoism” compare to “Confucianism”?

3 Zhuangzi What was the view of the primitivists?
The syncretists? The hedonists? What are the “inner chapters” of the Zhuangzi and how do they compare with the above views? What is the stance of the Zhuangzi toward politics and government? Education? How does the Chinese (Confucian) conception of the gentleman compare to the sage of the Zhuangzi? How does Zhuangzi (Zhuang Zhou) differ from and resemble both Laozi/Daode jing and Mencius? What seems to be the goal of this kind of Daoism? Or, how does one be a good Daoist?

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