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1. kontaktmøde Workshop about how to decode a job add and how to contact companies via the phone Say hello to each other Husk at bestille drikkevarer.

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Presentation on theme: "1. kontaktmøde Workshop about how to decode a job add and how to contact companies via the phone Say hello to each other Husk at bestille drikkevarer."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. kontaktmøde Workshop about how to decode a job add and how to contact companies via the phone Say hello to each other Husk at bestille drikkevarer Præsentér dig selv og teamet kort

2 Today’s program 9.00 Welcome Presentation: Decoding job add
Learn to decode a job add, find relevant questions to ask and write at targeted application. Presentation : Elevator speech. Workshop – make your own elevator speech and practice it. Presentation : Phone-workshop. Lunch. 12.30 Phone-workshop Start of Phone-workshop. Share your experiences from the calls you have made. evaluation and goodbye. You will get an individual meeting during today.

3 Focus in each individual meeting
Follow-up from last meeting. Jobnet-CV and joblog. Is your ABC-plan updated. Agreement until next time. Din ABC-plan og din joblog vil være det centrale pejlepunkt for Jobcentrets samarbejde med dig. En øvelse i at lave et godt CV samt samtale om det

4 Purpose of the day You will learn to decode a job add, and know what questions to ask the company. You will learn to target your application to a specific job add. You will make your own elevator speech/pitch. You will call a company unsolicited

5 Targeting of your application 1
Method -see the handout. Highlight the competences and work assignments. Write a list of both. Use the list and the feedback from when you call the company, to target your application. When your application is finished, check your list to make sure you have remembered all your points.

6 Exercise: Targeting of your application 2
Use this method on the job add you have found for today and start making a draft for your job add. Highlight the competences and work assignments. Write a list of both. Use the list and the feedback from when you call the company to target your application. When your application is finished, check your list to make sure you have remembered all your points.

7 Virksomhedspraktik Practical information
From the first day of unemployment you can use virksomhedspraktik You can use it as many times as you want, but only once with the same employer ant not with your latest employer Up to 4-8 weeks and up to 37 hours/week You are not allowed to start virksomhedspraktik until it has been approved and there has been made a jobplan (on It will typically take 5 workdays counting from when you contact the Jobcenter to make the paperwork. You still have the same responsibilities while in virksomhedspraktik, as you did before, and still receives dagpenge. If in doubt contact you’re a-kasse. As newly graduated you can offer virksomhedspraktik in 8 weeks but only if you haven't’ had a paid job since you graduated.

8 The elevator speech When you contact companies the elevator speech is the best way to present yourself in at short and precise way. Preparation is the key to making a good elevator speech! You have to always be aware of your competences, key motivations and wishes.

9 The elevator speech content
Be ready to present the following: Your name and education Your competences and relevant experiences What can you contribute with in this specific company Professionally Personally – very depending on the type of company What particularly motivates you professionally

10 Guideline Elevator speech 1
Short The elevator-speech must be of max seconds Precise Be precise in your message Genuine Be authentic and live up to what you say. Relevant Target the speech to the positon

11 You must train your elevator speech until you know it by heart
Guideline Elevator speech 2 Create an interest Your elevator speech must create an interest to here more from you Be passionate Let it shine through what you are genuinely passionated for You must train your elevator speech until you know it by heart

12 Example of an elevator speech
Hello my name is XX and I am a newly graduate Cand.paed. in sociology. My primary experience is with individual coaching and teaching. I can contribute with varied communication, planning and forth going evaluation of many types of projects. As a coworker I am positive and outgoing and I work well in close relations with my coworkers. My primary competences is in communicating complexed material and in planning and execution of longer development projects.

13 Contact via the phone It’s all about making the company say YES!
Keep it simple – be specific and aware about your goal with the call. 1: Present yourself and your wish 2: Get a yes (meeting, virksomhedspraktik, CV)

14 Calling the company Example
”Hello my name is XXX. I am calling because I need your help [ELEVATOR SPEECH]. I would like to hear if you would meet with me 10 minutes for a short meeting regarding [GOAL].

15 Example of phone call ”Hello my name is XXX. I am calling because I need your help [I am a newly graduate Cand.pæd. in sociology. My primary experience is with individual coaching and teaching. I can contribute with varied communication, planning and forth going evaluation of many types of projects. As a coworker I am positive and outgoing and I work well in close relations with my coworkers. My primary competences is in communicating complexed material and in planning and execution of longer development projects.] I would like to hear if you would meet with me 10 minutes regarding [getting a virksomhedspraktik, presenting my sales-CV].

16 Thank you for participating
Evaluation Constructive criticism of the three workshops Do you have the job seeking skills you need? Up Next You will book your next meeting with a new group of counselors via The next meeting must be within the next four weeks.

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