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Presentation on theme: "ANALYSIS RULES RECOVERY SECURE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Print Management has helped organizations worldwide to significantly reduce the cost and environmental impact of clicking print. The press is full of articles and reports about print management and how it can help business like yours to reduce a significant cost while at the same time helping to save our environment. Print Management also helps organizations manage a huge security hole between when a document goes from being digital to printed.

3 Because printers don’t print…people print!
Why is user workflow management critical? Because printers don’t print…people print! When they do, they make choices Should I print? What should I print? Where should I print? How should I print this?

4 Can you see the differences between these printers?
Serial Number = VNG4G00670 Avg. Monthly Volumes = 2517 pgs. Cost per Page = $0.025 Serial Number - VNB4J17007 Avg. Monthly Volumes – 2488 pgs. Cost per Page = $0.025 Avg. Users = 1 Avg. Users = 8 Avg. Job Size = 9.7 pgs. Avg. Job Size = 2.8 pgs. Pages - Jobs over 50 pgs. = (63%) Pages - Jobs over 50 pgs. = 671 (27%) Peak Usage = widely distributed Peak Usage = concentrated Cost per Print Job = $0.25 Cost per Print Job = $0.07

5 “Where” Printer & Port/IP
Print Audit Analysis “Where” Printer & Port/IP “What” Document Name “When” Date & Time “Who” Printed “How” Application Addressing print management issues requires more then just an understanding of how much volume each printer is handling…developing strategies that work requires information on the workflow associated with all printing in the organization. Print Audit 6 Analysis let’s you see who’s printing, what documents are being printed, when, where and how they are printed…Print Audit 6 tracks 35 pieces of information on every print job.

6 Print Audit Reports With accurate and comprehensive information that includes specific job details, a much clearer picture emerges regarding your current state of printing and how new print management strategies could produce favorable results for your organization. For Example: The distribution of printing revealed in these graphs is typical of most organizations. That is…a large number of print jobs (those between 1-3 pages = 80% of all jobs) generally represents a small proportion of the total print volumes (22%). Whereas a relatively small number of jobs (those with 4 pages or more = 18% of the total jobs) accounts for the majority of the print volumes (69%). This represents an opportunity to you as an organization to have a large impact on costs by effecting just a small percentage of the jobs being printed.

7 Printing Rules Redirect print volumes to lower cost device
Force printing on both sides of the page Limit end-user access The key to print management is winning the hearts and minds of your people who are making the decision to print. Print Rules have proven to be the most effective way to engage your people in the process of reducing the cost and impact of printing. Thousands more… "Our waste has decreased to less than approximately 8% and paper usage in total is now under control. I estimate Print Audit has reduced our cost of operation to one quarter of what it used to be, all this has easily been worth the price of admission“ George Herrera, University of Texas

8 - Help Desk Communications
Printing Rules - Job Size Limits - Green Initiatives - Help Desk Communications Job sent to malfunctioning printer – Printer down! (hard rule) 2+ pages to any printer – duplex suggestion (soft rule) More than 3 pages but less then 10 – suggestion (soft rule) 1 to 3 pages - OK to print to convenience printer More then 10 pages - print job cancelled (hard rule) In order to make this slide work keep clicking as you describe the process. Before Click 1 – You can see here one of your staff members about to create a print job. There are three factors that are affecting that decision of which she is likely not aware. 1) She will likely click on one of the fast print buttons available in any word processor, spreadsheet, etc. that automatically sends the job to the default printer set in windows. Printer manufacturers have fought over this default setting for years and in some cases a printer driver will change the default if it is not set to that driver. There have been lawsuits about this. 2) She will try to send the print job to the closest printer because it is easier and she does not understand the costs associated with this choice. 3) She has some other reason, say security for printing to the device. Click - Job Siz Limits Click – If the job is between 1-3 pages there is no interference and the job goes through to the convenience printer. Click – If she attempts to send a print job which is more then 3 pages she will be presented with a popup window that tells her what the rule is. In this case she can’t print more than 3 pages to her convenience printer. This message is completely customizable as are the rules. This message represents a “soft rule” where the user is informed of the rule but is given the option to continue the job as is by selecting “yes”. Click – If the Print job is more then 10 pages, the user is presented with a hard stop and the job is automatically cancelled. Note that the message can also contain variables letting her know the cost difference between the devices. Click – If the user had selected the low cost device for any print jobs containing more then 3 pages in the first place, the job would have printed without interuption. Click - Green Initiative Click – The same Rules capability can also be used to promote environmental initiative such as duplex printing. Click - Help Desk Communications Click - They can be used to communicate messages to the users in the environment about technical issues. Print Audit has surveyed hundreds of customers asking about how well the rules have been adopted. Typically the answers have been that people adapted their printing behavior after 3 messages. Possible objection: What about automating the process? So, the print jobs automatically get routed to the right printer or the documents are automatically duplexed, etc. Answer: Print Audit did try the automatic routing and found that customers hated it. Users hated getting up from their desks and going left when the job printed right. Also users want to have their say. In behavioral tests this method is by far the most accepted. 3+ pages – printed to low cost printer without interruption

9 Printing Rules - Document Security
Lets you know who, where and when sensitive documents were printed Block printing of certain documents i.e. financials.doc Document security is on everyone’s mind these days. Digital document security has really come of age to the point that you can find out anything that has happened to a document while in digital format. Digital documents can be subject to access controls, editing rights, and trails of who has made changes. Printing has been somewhat been forgotten in the attempts to secure digital documents. There is a huge security hole when a digital document gets printed. What document was printed, who printed it, how many copies were made…all of these questions are answered with Print Management. “I would recommend Print Audit to anyone who needs to keep track of what is getting printed and why.“ Christine Catanzaro, A/E/C Solutions Inc

10 Security Rules If Yes – Job is tracked and Smart Alert sent
If NO – Job is canceled Attempts to print document User opens file called “Company Financials.doc In order to make this slide work keep clicking as you describe the process. Click – You can see here one of your staff members opens a document called Company Financials.doc Click- The staff member attempts to print the document and at this point she is presented with a message displayed on the screen. This message is customizable and very easy to configure. It communicates information regarding security policies on the document they about to print and provides a choice as to whether they want to continue the job or not. Click- If not, then the job is cancelled. Click- If yes, then the job is printed and information regarding that print is communicated to the appropriate authority. A record of everything that was printed, when it was printed and by whom is available via lookup and reporting.

11 Regulatory Compliance
Attain compliance for Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA and dozens of other government regulations. Print Audit can significantly reduce the cost of litigation Today companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars making sure that they are in compliance with government document security rules and regulations. Print Management is rapidly becoming required for companies of all sizes to close the security hole that we discussed earlier. This may bring up a host of discussions that are very specialized. Print Audit has various spreadsheets available that outlines which rules and regulations are satisfied by industry.

12 Cost Recovery Chargeback printing to users/clients Set printing quotas
Validate and restrict printer usage Law firms, architects, schools and many consulting firms have been charging their customers and users for printing and copying for years. In these economic times many companies like yours are seeing the value in charging their customers for printing and copying. Limit costs or generate revenue "The software has generated enough income in one month to more than pay for itself. In addition, the revenue estimated for the next year was enough to offset the cost of some new equipment we needed for the upcoming year." Linda, Controller, First united Property Management

13 Cost Recovery Invoice is generated and/or account debited
Print job is initiated (any printer) Print Audit popup displays Transaction is recorded to database Before Click 1 – You can see here one of your staff members about to create a print job. Click 1- Just click Click 2- At this point your staff member is presented with a verification screen. This screen is very easy to use based on your particular situation. If charging back to the user it may ask for a PIN code and deduct from his allotted balance. If charging the print job back to one of your customers it will require you to input information about that customer like their name or a project number. We will help you to set up this part based on your situation. Click 3- The information is correctly input and then the print job is allowed to go through. At the same time the information is sent to the central Print Audit database. Click 4- The information can then go directly into your accounting system for billing purposes. You also have a record of everything that was printed, when it was printed and by whom.

14 For You Eliminate stacks of unclaimed print jobs left on printers
And dramatically increase document security. With NO terminals needed:

15 Printing from your workstation
Job is held in a virtual Que / Secure server Log into MFP view Jobs and release only the jobs you want If the printer does not have that Capability you can use the Web access as a release station.

16 Secure Pull Printing Printing from your workstation
Job is held in a virtual Que / Secure server Log into MFP view Jobs and release only the jobs you want If the printer does not have that Capability you can use the Web access as a release station.

17 Thank You Call 1-877-412-8348 For more information or
Visit our website The first thing to do is work with Print Audit and your IT to get it installed on your workstations. Print Audit has been installed at thousands of companies like yours around the world so they know what needs to be done to make the process go smoothly.


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