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Pemprosesan Perkataan

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Presentation on theme: "Pemprosesan Perkataan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pemprosesan Perkataan
BBP Teknologi Maklumat dalam Pendidikan DR. NORHASYIMAH HAMZAH ext. : 4168 Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional.

2 Isi kandungan Pemprosesan Perkataan Asas Pemproses Perkataan
Penyokong Pembacaan Jenis Formatan Dan Grafik Cantuman Mel Dan Penggunannya Penerbitan Meja Pembinaan Ujian E-Borang

3 Asas Pemprosesan Perkataan
perisian yang digunakan untuk membina, mengolah, menyusun dan membentuk teks, menyimpan dan mencetak dokumen. perisian penggunaan terawal yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan lagi produktiviti pejabat dan komputer peribadi. contoh: Microsoft Word, Word Star, Word Perfect, Multimate

4 Contoh Perisian Pemprosesan Perkataan
Multimate Microsoft Word Word Star Word Perfect

5 Asas Pemprosesan Perkataan
kelebihan perisian pemprosesan perkataan Reka letak dan susun atur dokumen yang lebih menarik. Mencari teks untuk disunting. Memotong, menyalin dan memindahkan teks. System penyimpanan dokumen yang lebih selamat. Membina Header dan footer. Membina Jadual dan Indeks. Memeriksa ejaan dan grammar. Menggunakan "thesaurus“. Gabung jalin antara imej dan teks. Menyelit grafik dan objek. Membina surat yang boleh digabungkan dengan senarai alamat. Memformat dokumen secara automatik daripada galeri format. Prebiu dokumen sebelum dicetak.

6 Asas Perisian Pemprosesan Perkataan
CREATE using an input device, usually a keyboard to key in the letters, numbers, or symbols. Create Edit…... Format Store Retrieve Print PRINT producing the document on paper. Pemprosesan Perkataan EDIT make changes to the document, i.e. insertions or deletions to fix errors, improve its content, or move text within the document. RETRIEVE bring the stored document from disk back into computer memory FORMAT adjusting the appearances of the text document, i.e. justification, font style, line spacing STORE save the document to disk for later use.

7 Konsep Asas Perisian Pemprosesan Perkataan
Micosoft Word sebuah pakej perisian pemproses perkataan yang dilengkap dengan kemudahan dalam menghasilkan elemen-elemen teks berkualiti. membenarkan elemen-elemen sokongan lain diintegrasikan bersama. mengabungkan pelbagai kemudahan penyuntingan, penetapan reka letak, percetakan dan penyebaran yang menyeluruh serta mudah digunakan. antara muka pengguna grafik (graphic user interface - GUI) pages of typing paper with special features Cursor, Scrolling, Word wrap, Insertions and deletions, Menus and buttons

8 Konsep Asas Perisian Pemprosesan Perkataan
Cursor shows you where the next character will appear in your document Scrolling necessary to see portions of a document that can’t fit on the screen at one time. The user can stop anywhere and make changes pointer insertion point scrollbar

9 Konsep Asas Perisian Pemprosesan Perkataan
Word wrap Words that won’t fit on a line are automatically moved down at the beginning of the next Insertion / deletions allow for easy corrections. characters are inserted, wherever the cursor is put, by typing. the backspace and delete keys remove unwanted characters. Menus / buttons Pull-down menus and clickable buttons make many selections possible. Buttons are a shortcut to invoking commands. Pull-down menus reveal lower-level choices from which to choose.

10 Penyokong Pembacaan Specifikasi teks
Muka Taip, Saiz & Group Font (Kumpulan Huruf) Header dan Footer, Gaya dan Kerangka

11 f f Font serif no serif Serif Sans Serif
refers to the overall design of the letters, numbers, and punctuation that has been selected a set of characters of the same design. Three major categories of fonts are: Serif has serifs (hooks) on the ends of characters to make reading easier body of a large document should by typed with a serif font Sans Serif means without serifs. best used for headings, captions, or in small amounts in a larger document. f serif f no serif

12 Font weight of a font can affect the design of the text.
Decorative should be used sparingly. usually elaborate and designed to fit a theme or mood. they are often difficult to read. weight of a font can affect the design of the text. Plain text plain text Bold text bold text

13 40 point H2O 35-42= Danaus plexippus Font 32 point bold shadow
Size Type size is usually measured in points. One point equals about one-twelfth of an inch. variety of styles can be applied to fonts user can change the style of font to fit their needs. bold shadow strikethrough italic underline H2O 35-42= Danaus plexippus

14 Alignment Letters L e t t e r s Left justified Center justified Right
spacing between individual letters can be increased or decreased. alignment of text along left and right margins can be changed Letters L e t t e r s Left justified Center justified Right justified

15 Alignment margins at the top and bottom edges and left and right edges of a document can be set by the user to fit their needs.

16 Alignment Tabs work just like they do in a typewriter
used to begin paragraphs and set where the cursor will line up Indent of text that follows the first line of a paragraph can be moved to fit the user’s needs

17 Editing Text Block A text block can consist of one or more words, phrases, sentences, or pages. First, a text block must be marked (selected) before being able to: Move Moving a block of text removes it from its original location and places it in another location.

18 Editing Text Block Copy Delete
Copying a block of text leaves the original block intact but also inserts a copy of it in a new location. Delete Deleting a text block means to remove it from the document.

19 Find / Replace Find Replace
allows a user to key in a string of characters to search the document for a match. Replace allow the user to key in characters with which to replace those found.

20 Review Spelling / grammar checkers
preliminary proofreading devices. lack the scope or intuitive power of a human proofreader. Grammar checkers will find discrepancies of verb tense, point out active vs. passive voice, and a host of other grammatical rules that the user may have broken. Online thesaurus helps to find the synonym or antonym.

21 Pagination / Header & Footer
very useful feature of modern word processors. inserted into every pages and updated automatically. automatically keep track of space needed and even re-index if others are added or deleted.

22 Jenis Formatan Dan Grafik
Jadual mempersembahkan data dengan format yang mudah dibaca

23 Jenis Formatan Dan Grafik
Text is not the only element in a desktop published document. Artwork can also be manipulated to fit user needs, including ready-made and make-your-own. Clip-art ready-to-use art than can enhance the text design some are copyright-free while other only allows restricted use

24 Jenis Formatan Dan Grafik
Art work can be custom-made. painting and drawing programs allow the user to design art that better fits their needs – insert picture built-in Shapes SmartArt Chart WordArt

25 Cantuman Mel & Penggunannya
kelebihan perisian pemprosesan perkataan memudahkan surat menyurat kepada ramai penerima menerusi Mail Merge boleh menyedia dan mencetak seberapa banyak salinan surat kepada nama dan alamat penerima yang berbeza tetapi mempunyai isi kandungan yang sama. langkah cantuman mel – dilitupi semasa amali.

26 Penerbitan Meja Desktop Publishing
membenarkan integrasi teks dan grafik dari pelbagai sumber dan menukarkannya kepada hampir kesemua jenis penerbitan untuk dilihat semula, dicetak, atau untuk digunakan pada internet. contoh hasil: brosur, kad perniagaan, majalah, poster, dan kad jemputan. tugasan – pamplet contoh perisian yang biasanya digunakan: Microsoft Publisher, Adobe PageMaker dan Microsoft Word.

27 Contoh perisian penerbitan meja
Adobe PageMaker Microsoft Publisher

28 Antaramuka penerbitan meja dalam Microsoft Word 2007

29 Konsep Asas Penerbitan Meja
Focus Balance Directional Flow Unity White Space Borders Choosing Typography

30 Focus Use contrasting size, density, and page position.
An element to which the eye first moves. Use contrasting size, density, and page position. Use large, bold display type or graphics. Use elements with visual weight.

31 Balance How elements are distributed on a page. Formal Balance--centers all design elements around the visual center.

32 Balance Informal Balance--arranges design elements off center.
It is achieved by contrasts of weights around a balance point.

33 Directional Flow Created by lines that the eye follows on a page. Create flow on the page with lines within illustrations, rules, and lines of type, and with visuals. Use the “Z” pattern of reading to place important information. Use left-to-right and top-to-bottom for graphic elements.

34 Unity Create unity with the use of appropriate and consistent elements. Use appropriate type, graphics, and color: be consistent!

35 White (Nonprinted) Space
Design the white space; do not overcrowd type and graphic elements. 20 to 25% of your documents should be white space.

36 Borders Borders isolate a page or a section of a page.
Borders can be light or dark or on all sides or on selected sides.

37 Choosing Typography Anatomy of Text ABC a b c The type must contribute to the message, not detract from it. The type must match the message. Use the same typeface for the same elements. Vary the size to change the look.

38 Body Text Headlines Choose a serif typeface for body text.
Body text should be from 9-12 points. Leading should be at least a point more than the type size. Avoid excessive hyphenation and too much space between words. Headlines Use a sans serif typeface. Make headlines larger than body text--14 points or more. Use all caps only for short headlines; otherwise use uppercase and lowercase. Be consistent with headlines throughout your document. NEWS

39 Serif Fonts Sans Serif Fonts

40 Masalah penerbitan meja yang harus dielak:
Forgetting your audience Irregularly shaped type Excessive underlining Too many fonts Grammar and spelling errors Inappropriate borders Inappropriate headlines Violating the copyright law Sebelum cetak… IMPORTANT Print a sample copy. Proofread it carefully. Make adjustments. Print your final copy or publish to the Web.

41 Pembinaan Ujian E-Borang
collecting data from a group of people users can enter data without disturbing form's layout, save the form, and return in hard copy or Word 2007 require special setting in order to use Form feature Select then OR Key combination: then Click on Popular, then tick on “Show Developer tab in the Ribbon Alt F I

42 Enabling Form in Word 2007

43 Developer Tab in Word 2007 Form elements can be added using this tab
Basic elements: Element Function Text boxes To enter any kind of text, including contact and descriptive information Check boxes To answer a question by selecting one or more options from a set of responses. Also, to supply a yes or no answer to a question Drop-down menus To answer a question by selecting one option from a set of responses.

44 Pemprosesan Perkataan BBP 10102 Teknologi Maklumat dalam Pendidikan
THANK YOU NAMA ext. : no ext Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional.

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