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Rock Talk: NIH Support of Biomedical Research

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Presentation on theme: "Rock Talk: NIH Support of Biomedical Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock Talk: NIH Support of Biomedical Research
NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding And Grants Administration June 2013 Sally J. Rockey, PhD Deputy Director for Extramural Research National Institutes of Health

2 Fiscally Challenging Times

3 Research Project Grants: Competing applications, awards, and success rates
Data and chart description for this slide can be located at 3

4 Special Council Review
One click for “Moving forward with SCR blog post

5 A2 Policy Data

6 A2 Policy Data A2 Policy Data Figure 1

7 A2 Policy – time to award data

8 A2 Policy Data - estimated effect


10 % Applications Awarded
All Applications Locus of Review Applications Awards % Applications Awarded CSR 48,642 8,111 17% ICs 9,737 2,411 25% R01 Applications RFA Applications


12 Investigator-Initiated RPG Direct Costs: Requested and Awarded

13 Sources of Increase in Competing Applications
What contributes to the increase in the amount requested? First, the total number of these applications has almost doubled—from 25,000 in 1998 to almost 50,000 in The average number of applications per applicant has also risen slightly (from 1.3 to 1.5) and that contributes somewhat to the total increase in demand, depicted by the red portion of the bars. However, the major contributor to the increased demand is a large growth in the number of applicants—from about 19,000 in 1998 to approximately 32,000 in This contribution is depicted by the blue portion of the bars. Total applications – 25,000 to ~50,000 Average applications/applicant – 1.3 to1.5 (red contribution) Number of applicants – 19,000 to ~32,000 (blue contribution)


15 Applications and applicants in a 5 year period
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 thru 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total Number of Different RPG Applicants 55,750 58,681 62,509 65,710 69,011 72,773 74,872 75,969 78,386 81,066 83,546 Number of Competing RPG Applications 148,878 159,975 175,951 193,078 212,535 232,891 244,212 248,773 252,259 255,564 258,802 Scenarios: No increase in applicants and only a higher application rate (from 0.54 to applications/investigator/year) – RPG applications would have grown 16% from 148,878 applications to ~170,000. Increase in applicants only – RPG applications would have grown about 50%, from 148,878 to almost 225,000. Observed increase: 148,878 to 258,802


17 Number of Unique Competing Applicant Institutions
New unique competing applicant institutions

18 Number of Unique Competing Awardee Institutions
New unique competing AWARDEE INSTITUTIONS


20 K99 Changes

21 Better Biomedical Workforce Data

22 BEST Program - Broadening Experiences in Science Training
BEST Program announced














36 Percentage Distribution of NIH Research Project Applicants by Organization within a Degree Type
Fiscal Year Organization MD MD/PhD PhD Total Applicants(%) Applicants (%) 2011 Higher Education excluding Medical Schools 8.6% 14.9% 46.3% 37.2% Independent Hospitals 13.9% 12.0% 5.0% 7.1% Medical Schools 69.5% 65.5% 41.1% 48.0% Research Institutes 8.1% 7.7% 7.6% 2011 Total 100.0% Notes:  Research Project Grants in FY 2011 include activity codes: ‘R00′, ‘R01′, ‘R03′, ‘R15′, ‘R21′, ‘R22′, ‘R23′, ‘R29′, ‘R33′, ‘R34′, ‘R35′, ‘R36′, ‘R37′, ‘R55′, ‘R56′, ‘RC1′, ‘RC2′, ‘RC3′, ‘RC4′, ‘RL1′, ‘RL2′, ‘RL5′, ‘RL9′, ‘P01′, ‘P42′, ‘PN1′, ‘UA5′,’UC1′, ‘UC2′, ‘UC3′, ‘UC4′,’UH2′, ‘UH3′, ‘UH5′, ‘UM1′,’UC7′, ‘U01′, ‘U19′, ‘U34′, ‘DP1′, ‘DP2′, ‘DP3′, ‘DP4′, ‘DP5′ Excludes ARRA, Superfund, reimbursables Applications from other types of organization such as, Other Domestic Non-Profit, Domestic for Profit, and Foreign, that represent only 5 % of the total, are not shown

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