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Altar server training.

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1 Altar server training

2 Things to know Parts of the Mass Knowing the Vessels
The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way (examples from current servers) Don’t forget… Things to know


4 This is the Paschal Candle.
Parts of the mass PREPARATION FOR MASS Step 1: Go to the Sacristy (behind the Altar), put on your Alb/cinture and sign in. Step 2: Light all candles around ambo and Altar (and light Paschal Candle if on the Altar). When finished, head to the back of the church to prepare for the opening procession. This is the Paschal Candle. If it is on the Altar, light it as well as the candles near the Altar and ambo. ALBS CINTURES

5 Parts of the mass PROCESSIONAL AND GLORIA Processional (opening song)
When Mass beings, the senior server will lead the procession, holding the cross. You will walk with the other servers holding a song book (blue book) singing along. *You will be behind the senior server and in front of the priest. Gloria (first song before sitting down) “Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to people of good will” Towards the end of the song, get the Missal (red book) located on the credence table (altar server table) and stand near the steps. When the priest says “Let us Pray,” take the Missal to the priest.

6 Parts of the mass READINGS AND HOMILY SIT AND LISTEN to the readings.
SING ALONG with the responsorial psalm. STAND for the Gospel reading. SIT AND LISTEN to the homily. The book above is the Lectionary. This is where the Lectors read from. This is different from the Missal.

Parts of the mass COLLECTION OF OFFERINGS Large and small Chalices When you see the Ushers bow in front of the Altar, you will then set the Altar. Missal (red book) Place one Purificator to the right of the big Chalice and the remaining Purificators to the right of the small Chalices.

Parts of the mass RECEIVING & PREPARING GIFTS Press PLAY button to watch video

9 Ringing bells during Mass
Parts of the mass BELL RINGING Ringing bells during Mass Bells will be rung 3 times during the Eucharistic Prayer. Bells are to be rung 3 times/each time (twisting back and forth) *SENIOR SERVER CAN HELP WITH THIS* 1st Time – When priest places his hand over the water and wine (bells will be rung while priest is speaking) 2nd Time – When bread is raised 3rd Time – When Chalice is raised

10 Take the stack of Patens to the priest at the Altar
Parts of the mass SIGN OF PEACE Open door to tabernacle for Eucharistic Minister Take the stack of Patens to the priest at the Altar

11 Parts of the mass RECEIVING COMMUNION
Servers will approach the Altar to receive communion when the Eucharistic Ministers begin to head toward the Altar.

Parts of the mass DURING & AFTER COMMUNION During communion, you will sit (not kneel) so that you are not in the way. Once the Priest sits, have Missal ready to take to priest when he stands and says “Let us Pray.” After communion, open door to tabernacle for Eucharistic Minister

13 Parts of the mass CLOSING
When closing song begins, the senior server will get the Processional Cross. When priest heads toward Altar, the senior server will head to the first pew and face the Altar. Additional servers will stand to the sides of the priest, also facing the altar. Servers bow when priest bows. Senior server turns to exit, additional servers step in front of priest and follow behind. Servers (positioned on either side of the Priest/Bishop) Senior Server (positioned at the first pew, facing the Altar)

14 Parts of the mass AFTER MASS ENDS
Extinguish all candles using candlesnuffer. Remember to wear your Alb. Return and hang Alb and cinture in closet. Senior server should return processional cross to the back of the church after the closing song ends.


16 the vessels

17 Right vs. wrong

18 Right vs. wrong WEARING YOUR ALB & CINTURE
Wear an Alb that fits you correctly.

19 Right vs. wrong lighting & extinguishing the candles
Always wear your Alb and do not blow candle out with your mouth.

20 Right vs. wrong CARRYING THE CROSS
Hold the cross directly in front you.

21 Right vs. wrong approaching the altar
Make sure to bow when approaching the Altar.

22 Right vs. wrong HOLDING THE MISSAL
Hold the Missal with both hands, standing properly in front of the priest.

23 Right vs. wrong SITTING DURING MASS
Please do not slouch. Sit up straight and pay attention.


25 DON’T FORGET Arrive 15 minutes early, and don’t forget to sign-in. When walking or sitting, remember to have your hands folded. When you approach the Altar, remember to bow. 1 cinture for servers (color of Liturgy) 2 cintures for senior server (one gold and one color of Liturgy) Loving Father, creator of the universe, you call your people to worship, to be with you and one another at Mass. I thank you for having called me to assist others in their prayer to you. May I be worthy of the trust placed in me and through my example and service bring others closer to you. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.

26 The end Questions? Tami Perkins -
Billy Mills -

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