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The story of the Mormons

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1 The story of the Mormons
12/11/2018 The story of the Mormons

2 Mormons on the map

3 He lived in New York State in the east of America.
In the beginning (1827) Joseph Smith got given some plates He lived in New York State in the east of America. There, at this time, there were lots of preachers and interest in faith – a bit of a religious revival. By 1830 I had written the Book of Mormon and I had several hundred followers!

4 Not a lot! We were attacked by mobs and shot at!
You were popular then? Not a lot! We were attacked by mobs and shot at! I prayed. Then I decided we should move to Kirtland, Ohio to set up a city of God. What did you do?

5 Are we looking at push factors then?
That’s me!

6 We were good! We were successful! We were …. How did that go? Kirtland
Not exactly! People don’t always like it when you’re successful. Popular at last? They don’t like you much when you lose them money either!

7 One Mormon business in Kirtland was a bank
One Mormon business in Kirtland was a bank. When it went bust in 1837 the Mormons were blamed and they were chased out of the area. (Even though there was a banking crisis)

8 So, we moved to Missouri (1837-38).
That’s not long Joseph – I’m guessing they didn’t like you much there either? So, we moved to Missouri ( ). Will you go away! No, they tried to stop us voting in elections, destroyed our property and then arrested me! Why? They blamed me for all the trouble, even condemned me to death. Eventually they said I could go free if I left Missouri.


10 What happened in Nauvoo?
Mormons were able to develop Nauvoo as an independent city state with its own laws. By 1844 – largest city in Illinois. 35,000 Mormons. It was great, but then I had a big revelation!

11 God told you to do what?

12 People denounced me in the newspaper. Can you believe it
People denounced me in the newspaper! Can you believe it. I destroyed the printing presses. That sorted them out.

13 Good move Joe. What happened then?
Are you there Joe?

14 In 1844 Joseph was attacked, shot and killed by 200 non-Mormons enraged by the idea of polygamy.

15 Time for ….

16 Brigham Young c.1850

17 Hi Brigham. Lots of things have been pushing you folks out, but it looks like you’re feeling pulled towards something now?

18 The Great Salt Lake Isolated – few other people to cause problems.
Owned by Mexico so not part of U.S. territory.

19 If we were to succeed I needed to organise everything really carefully
If we were to succeed I needed to organise everything really carefully. Not just the journey, but what would happen when we arrived and even after that.

20 I planned our journey so we would leave Nauvoo in the Spring of 1846 – a good time of year to travel.

21 The journey West 16,000 Mormons on the journey.
Divided into trains with100 wagons in each under control of a captain. Every 10 wagons were under a lieutenant. Rest camps were set up as they travelled offering shelter and growing crops. 11,000 cabins were built at their winter quarters.

22 Winter quarters

23 In April 1847 a small pioneer band set off to lead the way and prepare for arrival.
Followed the route of the Donner party. By July 1847 they had arrived above the salt flats of the Great Salt Lake.

24 Salt Lake City

25 No private land ownership.
Of course, that was just the start of it. Once we were there I took total control over the community. No private land ownership. Land was given out to farm according to people’s needs. A water irrigation system allowed fair use of the supplies. The aim was to be self-sufficient…

26 I went for a careful mix of farmers, shop-keepers and craftsmen.

27 Mormons from Liverpool – e fund
My Perpetual Emigrating Fund was set up to keep converts coming. Each stage of the journey was arranged for them. The loans were repaid in Utah Mormon emigrants from Liverpool

28 Between 1850 & 1860 wheat production increased x3

29 Before this happened we had to accept the U.S. ban on polygamy
In 1896 Utah became a state. Before this happened we had to accept the U.S. ban on polygamy

30 There were some failures/ setbacks
Parents wanted children to work on land rather than be educated. Some attempts at setting up industry failed – not enough money or workers. Jealousy of their success fuelled rumours about unfair prices charged e.g. for supplies. June 1857 conflict led to US army being sent in. Tensions developed between passing emigrants, Indian converts & Mormons.

31 Dates and Places Government send governor & soldiers to rule Utah
Utah becomes a state Joseph Smith digs up gold plates & est. Mormons Settle in Nauvoo, Illinois Leave Nauvoo to travel across Plains Arrive at Great Salt Lake, Utah Settle in Kirtland Ohio Settle in Missouri 1846 1827 1847 1857 1896

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