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Energy requirements (حاجة ) and Balanced diet (الحمية المتوازنة)

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Presentation on theme: "Energy requirements (حاجة ) and Balanced diet (الحمية المتوازنة)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy requirements (حاجة ) and Balanced diet (الحمية المتوازنة)
Dr Paul T Francis, MD Prof. Com Med, Zawiya 7th April Uni., Libya


3 Recommended (موصّى به) Daily Intake
Is the amounts of nutrients sufficient for the maintenance of health in a population It is the reference standards of nutritional intake for a population

4 Energy Energy is essential (ضروري)for the normal function and growth of the body In children deficiency of energy leads to growth retardation (تخلف عقلي ) Energy deficiency leads to reduced ability to work, resist infection and enjoy normal life

5 Energy Is measured (قياس )in units of Kilo calories or Joules
The new international unit for energy is Joules (1 kcal = kJ) 1 gm of Protein gives 4 kcal 1 gm of Fat gives 9 kcal 1 gm of Carbohydrate gives 4kcal

6 Energy requirement There are 3 components (عنصر):
energy required for basal metabolism (about 1kcal/hour for every kg of body weight for an adult) energy required for daily activities such as walking, sitting, standing, dressing etc. energy expenditure for occupational work (light, moderate and heavy work)

7 Energy requirement Energy intake recommendations are first formulated for a ‘reference’ man and ‘reference’ woman. Necessary adjustments are made for subjects who deviate from the standard reference.

8 Reference Man The FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) reference man is 65 kg, aged 25 years For moderate (المعتدل) activity (النشاط) he is assumed to require an average of 3200 kcal/day or 49 kcal/kg body weight

9 Energy requirement Energy requirement for an average Libyan male is 2500 kcals For a Libyan female it is 2200 kcals For pregnant ladies 350kcal for 2nd half For lactating mothers 550kcal for first 6 months Growing children also require more energy 1 year old child requires about 100kcal/kg body weight

10 Energy requirements The energy requirements are more for pregnant and lactating women Growing children also require more energy

11 Energy requirement In old age due to reduction in Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and reduced (أقل) activity total energy requirement is reduced

12 Balanced diet Is a diet that contains a variety (تشكيلة ,تنوع) of foods in correct quantities so that the need for energy and all other nutrients are met for maintaining a healthy body. حمية التي تَحتوي تَشْكِيلة الأطعمةِ في الكمياتِ الصحيحةِ لكي الحاجة للطاقةِ وكُلّ المواد المغذّية الأخرى يَجتمعانِ لإبْقاء الجسم الصحّي.

13 Balanced diet First, the daily requirement of protein should be met. That amounts to 10-15% of the energy requirement. Next comes the fat requirement, which should be limited to 15-30% of energy intake Carbohydrates should supply the remaining energy 60-75% The requirement (طلبالمت) of micronutrients should be met

14 Balanced diet – food groups
The major food groups are: Cereal group Fruit group Vegetable group Animal food group Milk group A balanced diet should be made up of foods from all the groups and not from one or two groups only


16 Libyan diet Has more (أكثر) calories Has sufficient (كافي) protein
Contains excess (فرط ) fat Has more sugar


18 Summary Energy is essential (ضروري)for the normal function and growth of the body Energy intake is calculated for a ‘reference’ man and ‘reference’ woman and then adjusted for other people The FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) reference man is 65 kg, aged 25 years

19 Summary Energy requirement for an average Libyan male is 2500 kcals
For a Libyan female it is 2200 kcals A balanced diet contains (احتوى )all types of food to supply the need for energy and all other nutrients for maintaining a healthy body. Energy in a balanced diet should be from Proteins 10-15%, Fats 15-30% and Carbohydrates 60-75% A balanced diet should contain food from all groups.


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