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Plates and Plate boundaries

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1 Plates and Plate boundaries

2 Convergent plate boundaries
Can occur between two continental plates, a continental plate and an oceanic plate or between two oceanic plates.

3 Oceanic plate + Continental plate
One plate is pulled under another and something called a subduction zone is formed. A trench is formed, magma builds up deep underground and a volcano is formed.

4 Oceanic plate + Oceanic plate
The same thing as above and an island arc is formed. This is a line of volcanoes in the ocean.

5 Convergent oceanic plates
ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Convergent oceanic plates

6 http://news. nationalgeographic

7 Continental plate + Continental Plate
The plates collide and the rock is pushed up and forms mountains.

8 Divergent boundaries Plates are moving away from each other. What happens in the space between them?

9 Oceanic plate + Oceanic plate
Seafloor spreading- A crack in the ocean floor forms. Magma oozes up and forms something called a mid- ocean ridge.

10 Continental plate + Continental plate
A rift forms (a gap). A valley forms and mountains may form on the outside. In the gap the streams and rivers form in the gap. A new tectonic plate may form if they completely break away.

11 Transform boundaries Tectonic plates grind past each other.
This causes a fault- crack in the earths crust e.g. San Andreas. Earthquakes are common.

12 San Andreas

13 http://news. nationalgeographic

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