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Warm Up #6 How are we able to date things like the age of rocks?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up #6 How are we able to date things like the age of rocks?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up #6 How are we able to date things like the age of rocks?
Why, despite the earth being approx. 4.6 billion years old, are we unable to find rocks older than 3.3 billion years old? How do you think earthquakes work? How do you think volcanoes work? What are the three major types of rocks that exist on earth?

2 Plate Tectonics

3 The Rock Cycle Igneous Rock – formed as magma (molten rock) cools and rises up Sedimentary Rock – formed via compaction of various rocks, coming together in water Metamorphic Rock – formed from heat and pressure of pre-existing rocks

4 Earth’s Evolution How is this Possible?

5 Why do the Plates move? Convection Currents – uneven heating of Earth = shifting of asthenosphere How wind works! Subduction = cooler magma falling toward Earth’s core Mid-Ocean Ridges = warmer magma rising to Earth’s surface


7 How are Rocks Shifting? Plate Tectonics – movement of giant rock plates Earthquakes, volcanoes, trenches, mountains, etc. 3 Types Convergent – two plates move TOWARD each other Divergent – two plates move AWAY from each other Transform – two plates rub against each other in opposite directions

8 Where this is Happening
Review: Core, Mantle, Crust In Mantle, two layers: Lithosphere – top part of mantle/bottom of crust Tectonic plates that move Asthenosphere – bottom part of mantle Where magma is found

9 How Divergent Plates Work
Plates move away Magma flows in to fissure (hole between plates) and cools Forms oceanic ridges, rift valleys, new sea floor (seas, oceans) Atlantic, South Pacific, Indian Oceans

10 Oceanic Ridges & Rift Valleys

11 The Pacific Ocean is Shrinking!
newest oldest


13 How Convergent Plates Work
Plates come together One moves downward (Subduction Zone) Trench forms, mountains, too Magma pushed up Volcanic eruption Earthquakes Pacific Ocean (Ring of Fire), South America (West), Himalayas Subduction Zone

14 Result: Volcanoes Volcanoes – opening on Earth’s crust for magma (lava) to be released convergent, divergent and “hot spots” Ring of Fire – Pacific Ocean Divergent Plate boundaries VERY active volcanic region

15 How Transform Plates Work: LA
Rub against each other Fracture Zone Similar to convergent Except no sinking Earthquakes triggered Ex. San Andreas Fault

16 Will We Be an Island? San Andreas Fault: CA shifting northwest
CA = Pacific Plate AZ = North American Plate CA shifting northwest AZ shifting southeast 33mm/year In 100,000+ years: CA = in Oregon/Wash. Hipsters….

17 Quick Quiz # 3 What forms as a result of a convergent plate boundary? What are the differences and similarities between this and the result of a divergent plate boundary? Why will a volcano not erupt in Southern California? Why are they so active in the Pacific Ocean? How do sedimentary rocks form? Why are they found mostly on Earth’s surface, and NOT the outer core?

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