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Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi

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Presentation on theme: "Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi
11/12/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 8/24/06 Objectives: Begin Chap 1, the basics of anatomy and physiology. Class Topics Chap 1 notes Directional terminology Body planes Body cavities Characteristics of life Homeostasis Negative feedback Positive feedback “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi Monday, November 12, :43 AM

2 Class Assignments Article Review 8/24/06 Read 2000 m Row 8/28/06
11/12/2018 Class Assignments What By When Article Review 8/24/06 Read 2000 m Row 8/28/06 Chapter 1 Test 8/30/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 Directional Terminology
11/12/2018 Directional Terminology Superior (cranial) Inferior (caudal) Anterior (ventral) Posterior (dorsal) Medial Lateral Superficial (external) Deep (internal) Proximal Distal

4 Body Planes Imaginary lines used to divide the body Frontal (Coronal)
11/12/2018 Body Planes Imaginary lines used to divide the body Frontal (Coronal) Sagittal Mid-Sagittal Transverse (Horizontal)

5 Levels of organization
11/12/2018 Levels of organization Chemical atoms/molecules Cellular smallest functional unit Tissue epithelial connective muscular nervous

6 Levels of Organization
11/12/2018 Levels of Organization Organ two or more types of tissues working together System 11 systems Organism all systems working together used for survival and reproduction

7 Systems Name the 11 systems
11/12/2018 Systems Name the 11 systems Which one isn’t necessary?

8 Body Cavities Dorsal cranial vertebral 11/12/2018
Dorsal cranial vertebral

9 Body Cavities Ventral thoracic abdominopelvic pleural pericardial
11/12/2018 Body Cavities Ventral thoracic pleural pericardial mediastinum abdominopelvic abdomen pelvic

10 Characteristics of life
11/12/2018 Characteristics of life Organization Metabolism Anabolism Catabolism

11 Characteristics of Life
11/12/2018 Characteristics of Life Excitability Stimuli Muscle and nerve cells Growth and Reproduction hypertrophy and hyperplasia

12 Homeostasis Internal environment of the body kept relatively stable
11/12/2018 Homeostasis Internal environment of the body kept relatively stable state without change Actually to maintain this our bodies are constantly changing Hypothalamus - thermostat

13 11/12/2018 Homeostasis Hot Cold

14 Negative Feedback Loop
11/12/2018 Negative Feedback Loop Used to maintain a stable internal environment Triggered by changes in the norm usually temperature, pH, or hormonal From:

15 11/12/2018 Negative Feedback From:

16 11/12/2018

17 11/12/2018

18 Positive feedback Birth Bleeding
11/12/2018 Positive feedback Birth Oxytocin (causes contractions) is released due to pressure on the cervix More oxytocin is released due to increased pressure on the cervix Ends when the fetus is expelled Bleeding clotting yields more clotting yielding more clotting - eventually stopped by stopped blood flow

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