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English Grammars Page Need to be + Past participle

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1 English Grammars Page 36 1. Need to be + Past participle
2. Have/Get Something + Past participle 3. Past participle as Adjective

2 (1) Need to be (done) + Past Participle
يحتاج أن.... يُصلح - يُدهن - يُنظف...(فعل مبني للجهول) We use this kind of Grammar if something needs to be done. نستخدم هذا النوع من القواعد عندما يحتاج شيئا ما ان يصلح من قبل شخص اخر. Formation Something Need to be Past participle (v3) My computer جهازي الحاسب الآلي needs to be يحتاج أن Repaired يُصلح The walls الجدران need to be تحتاج أن Painted تُدهن

3 My car needs to be fixed (by a mechanic).
Situation I have a car but recently it doesn’t work. I have no idea to fix it. So I need someone to fix it. You My car needs to be fixed (by a mechanic). I am a mechanic

4 يحتاج أن ....يُصلح – يُدهن- يُنظف... :
Use the phrase Need to be.... Done ( Past Participle) with the following pictures: يحتاج أن ....يُصلح – يُدهن- يُنظف... : The window is dirty The window needs to be cleaned. (= Someone needs to clean the window.) The car seats are torn The car seats need to be repaired. (= Someone needs to fix the car seats.)

5 My laptop screen is cracked
Use the phrase Need to be.... Done ( Past Participle) with the following pictures: 1 My laptop screen is cracked The Laptop needs to be fixed 2 The car is broken down The car needs to be checked 3 The button is loosed The button needs to be sewn

6 (2) Have/Get Something + (Past participle) Passive Causative
لدي (شيئا ما) يحتاج ان يُصلح - يُدهن - يُنظف...(الفعل الثالث) Use have or get, with the past participle, when someone else does the service for you. تستخدم عندما يقوم شخص ما بعمل خدمة لك. someone Have or get something Past participle (v3) They, we, you I Has or gets The house repaired The car checked He, she, it Cell phone screen changed I have my room cleaned He has his room cleaned.

7 I am having my room cleaned.
Use have or get, with the past participle, when someone else does the service for you. In Present Continuous Tense We need someone to help us. I am cleaning my room with my brothers and sisters But today, I’m tired, I need someone to clean my room In Present Continuous Tense I am having my room cleaned.

8 I can’t build my house, I need someone to build it for me.
Use have or get, with the past participle, when someone else does the service for you. In Future Tense I will buy a new house. I can’t build my house, I need someone to build it for me. In Future Tense I will have my house built.

9 I painted my house last month.
Use have or get, with the past participle, when someone else does the service for you. In Simple Past Tense I painted my house last month. I was busy couple of days, so I needed someone to paint my walls. In Simple Past Tense I had the walls painted.

10 I am going to have it repaired.
Use the phrase (have/get something + verb in past participle) with the following pictures: لدي شيئا ما يحتاج ان... يُصلح - يُدهن - يُنظف... : My TV is broken. 1 (in present Continuous) I am having it fixed. My cell phone screen is cracked. 2 (in Future going to…) I am going to have it repaired.

11 (3) Past Participles as Adjectives (استخدام التصريف الثالث كصفة) ...
يصلح/ يُصلح - يدهن / يُدهن - ينظف / يُنظف The windows were broken. I fixed the broken windows. break–broken The laptop screen was cracked. I threw away the cracked screen. crack–cracked The car was damaged. The mechanic fixed the damaged car. damage-damaged The shirt was torn. The tailor sewed (sewn) the torn sleeve. tear–torn

12 Put the following verbs into past participles as adjectives:
eat /eaten lose / lost steal / stolen The apple was eaten. (Past) My wallet is lost. (Present) My keys were stolen. (Past)

13 You do something by yourself Something has done by someone
Something + Need to be + Past Participle (v3) You do something by yourself Something has done by someone Subject + Verb + Object Something + need to be + Participle (3) I clean my car. (Present) My car needs to be cleaned. He fixes his computer.(Present) His computer needs to be fixed. She sewed her shirt. (Past) Her shirt needed to be sewn. They build their houses.(Present) Their houses need to be built. He delivered the pizza. The pizza needed to be delivered.

14 You do something by yourself Someone do a service for you
Someone + have/get + something + Past Participle (v3) You do something by yourself Someone do a service for you Subject + Verb + Object Someone + have/get + something +Participle (3) I clean my car. (Present) I have my car cleaned. He fixes his computer.(Present) He has his computer fixed. She sewed her shirt. (Past) She had her shirt sewn. They build their house.(Present) They have their houses built. He delivered the pizza.(Past) He had the pizza delivered.

15 You do something by yourself Past Participle as Adjective
Past Participle (v3) as Adjective You do something by yourself Past Participle as Adjective Subject + Verb + Object Subject + Participle as adjective + Noun I clean my car. (Present) Its is cleaned car. He fixes his computer.(Present) It is the fixed computer. She sewed her shirt. (Past) It was the sewn shirt. They build their houses.(Present) They are built houses. He delivered the pizza.(Past) It was the delivered pizza.

16 1. My cars_______________. (wash) 2. my hair_____________. (cut)
A. Use the phrase need to be + Past Participle 1. My cars_______________. (wash) 2. my hair_____________. (cut) 3. The washing machine_______________. (fix) 4. Ali’s bedroom _________________. (paint) 5. Their fridges _________________. (repair) need to be washed needs to be cut needs to be fixed needs to be painted need to be repaired

17 6. the article________________. (edit)
7. The carpets_________________. (clean) 8. the photos _______________. (print) 9. my teeth _________________. (check) 10. the furniture__________________. (deliver) needs to be edited need to be cleaned need to be printed need to be checked needs to be delivered

18 He will have his AC repaired
B. Re-arrange the next sentences in order to make Passive Causative 1. Yesterday, (I / cut / my hair)________________________ 2. Every Friday, (Ali / wash / his car)__________________ 3. Tomorrow, (he/ repair / his AC )__________________ 4. Each Saturday, (we / deliver / a pizza)_______________________ to our house. 5. Last year, (Sami / clean / his house)________________________ by a cleaning company. I had my hair cut Ali has his car washed He will have his AC repaired We have a pizza delivered Sami had his house cleaned

19 He had his story written
6. Waleed had a broken arm, (he /write/ his story)___________ 7. (I / pick up / the goods)______________________________ tomorrow in the afternoon. 8. (we / redecorate / our walls)______________________________ last summer. 9. At this hotel, (he/ carry / his bags)____________________________ into his room. 10. (we / organise / our last party)____________________________ by professionals. He had his story written I will have my goods picked up We had our walls redecorated He has his bags carried We had our last party organised

20 It is the written report. The money was sent It was the sent money.
C. Write the following sentences in phrase Past participle as Adjective 1. He writes the report. ____________________. 2. I sent the money. _____________________. 3. The dentist checked his teeth._______________________. 4. She dyed her hair. ____________________. 5. Ali is cleaning the windows. _______________________________. 6. They washed their cars. _______________________. 7. I will paint my bedroom. ____________________________. 8. They have built the house. _____________________________. The report is written It is the written report. The money was sent It was the sent money. His teeth were checked They were the checked teeth. Her hair was dyed It was the dyed hair. The windows are being cleaned They are being the cleaned windows. Their cars were washed They were the washed cars. The bedroom will be painted It will be the painted bedroom. The house has been built. It has been the built house.

21 All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018
Prepared by. Khalid S. A. Al Shahrani All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018

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