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Tier II Interventions.

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1 Tier II Interventions

2 SWPBIS What we need to know:
Is SWPBIS implemented with fidelity in the classroom? We are a team on campus that can help fellow teachers with behavior concerns. Do we know how to access resources for different tier strategies? Can we effectively communicate the process for teachers to refer? We have a line of communication with ABIT. Our team will be taking the Tier II TFI this spring.

3 Function of SWPBIS Team for Tier II
The SWPBIS Team will guide the classroom teacher through the process of defining the problem behavior, deciding the function, identifying a replacement behavior and selecting interventions.

4 Lessons Learned: No more than 10-15% of your entire school population should require Tier 2 behavior interventions. Without a strong Tier I foundation, 15% can be seen as too low a number. It is hard to stick to Tier 2 data rules and not “jump” to Tier 3. Teachers see Tier II “Support” as Outside of the Classroom. Communication! Communication! Communication! Collaboration! Collaboration! Collaboration!



7 When to Use Tier II Chronic behavior that does not respond to classroom SWPBIS efforts. Chronic behavior refers to habitual, persistent, inappropriate behavior. Behavior that is not serious or dangerous to self/others: Serious fighting Threats Run-away

8 Tier II Referral Form Student’s Name: _______________________ Date:
Grade: Teacher’s Name: School: Date of ODR(if any): Reason for Concern: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Target Behavior: _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Inappropriate behavior, defined behaviorally) Replacement Behavior: _________________________________________________________________________ (What is expected of the student?) Baseline Data: (Average of occurrence of problem behavior over the last 3 days) Occurred _______Times a ☐day ☐ hour Intervention (Preventive Strategies) - If possible, give number of times or dates. (Strategies used to correct behavior prior to filling out this form) Prevention Procedures Documented: ___praise/recognition of appropriate behavior ___ clear, concise directions ___review rules & expectations/ specifically define limits ___frequent reminders/prompts ___preferential seating ___teacher/staff proximity ___provide highly structured setting ___redirect/ speak to student about concerns privately ___ communicate regularly with parents ___provide cooling off period /safe place in room Provide dates of communication with parents: ____________________________________________________ ___other (Explain) _________________________________________________________________

9 Some Examples of Tier 2 Plans
Teaching Social skills in a structured manner Providing reinforcement for appropriate or alternative behavior in a consistent manner Change of classroom procedures and methods of speaking to the student Develop individualized classroom/homework organizational skills Check-in/Check-out Student Self-monitoring

10 Tier II Resources Tier II Intervention Tool Box – website
Behavioral Intervention Guide – website WPBS_TierII_Guidebook.pdf Google Tier II Interventions

11 Tips to Remember Get familiar with the TFI. You don’t have to be perfect. Just work towards goals. When downloading forms, save to desktop first. When printing DBRC, print only first 2 pages. Ask teachers to download necessary documents to their desktop. Be flexible. Try to respond to Tier II referral form within 3 days. If not possible, communicate with teacher. Ask for assistance. There are many people on your campus that can be valuable Behavioral Resources. You can always ask us!! This is a team/school effort. Not a one man show!

12 If Tier 2 interventions do not prove successful OR behaviors are serious or danger to self/others, please refer to ABIT. Average duration of Tier II intervention is 4 weeks.

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