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with observed random variables

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1 with observed random variables
Lecture 4 Supervised Learning with observed random variables Linear Regression Logistic Regression Naive Bayes

2 Learning Supervised  unsupervised
continuous  discrete RVs --- regression  classification generative  discriminative with hidden variables  without hidden variables This lecture is about supervised learning without hidden variables. We will look at both the generative and the discriminative approach. Sometimes generative can inspire parameterizations discriminative. plate notation

3 Linear Regression X  Y with Y continuous and X arbitrary.
discriminative approach: model p(Y|X) directly. probability model: Gaussian with mean E[Y|X]=f(X) Given data {Xn,Yn} what is the optimal setting of the parameters in the Maximum Likelihood framework demo_LinReg geometric interpretation

4 Classification (discriminative)
X  Y with Y discrete [0,1,2,..D] and X arbitrary. Discriminative approach, binary Y: Logistic Regression. Fit (regress) a logistic function to data where E[Y|X] = logistic(X)  p(Y=1|X) = logistic(x). Calculation of ML parameters. demo_LogReg softmax generalization for general discrete Y.

5 Classification (generative)
Generative approach: model P(X,Y) = P(X|Y) P(Y) Naive Bayes assumption x_i indep. x_j given Y. case 1: X = continuous: use Gaussians for P(x_i|Y) case 2: X = discrete: use multinomial distribution. classification: max_Y logP(X|Y) + logP(Y) ML parameters settings have very natural interpretation in terms of frequencies, clusters means etc.

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