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five Pillars Nutrition Exercise Hormones Detox Nervous System

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1 five Pillars Nutrition Exercise Hormones Detox Nervous System
Addressing the 5 Pillars of health is a must in order to maintain overall health Other weight loss programs that have been tried in the past may not have been successful because they only address maybe one or two aspects of health All must be considered in order for health to be achieved In order to achieve this health though, we must prepare. “If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” five Pillars

2 Nervous system Your nervous system is a complex network in which the brain serves as the central control unit Consists of brain, spinal cord, and peripheral tissues Nervous system function is essential to life and controls the overall function of the body The spinal cord carries the electrical energy and life force that flows throughout the body to all of the tissues, organs, and cells that carry out every bodily function

3 Brain’s function The brain gathers information from the various receptor cells and decides what it must do. If the brain determines that action is called for, it sends signals to organs and tissues to carry out the actions that they control. These actions involve such things as movement, temperature change, hormone release, change in heart rate, and many others.

4 Hormone health Hormones are biochemical compounds, or chemical messengers, produced by various organs or glands of the body that communicate with the rest of the body Balance is essential for proper function Control most aspects of all of our bodily processes through Poor diet, hygiene, stress, lack of exercise, structural issues, pain, and everyday life can effect hormones balance positively and negatively

5 detox The avoidance or reduction of environmental toxins that come from food, drink, and air. The liver is our main detoxification organ We also detox through our kidneys, bowels, sweat glands, and respiratory system

6 You can also absorb toxins through forms of physical contact other than food, drink, and air. As well, certain types of radiation can have toxic effects on your body. Eating and drinking processed products can alter our digestive and detoxification processes and capacities Proper detoxification must assist all the detoxification organs in order to be effective

7 nutrition “Food is that which is eaten to sustain life, provide energy, and promote growth and repair of tissue.”

8 Optimal health must include proper nutrition through whole foods
Empty calorie foods such as refined, processed products don’t supply real value to the biological chain of events that brings renewal to your body When new cells have the proper ingredients to be healthy, it slows the aging process. In contrast, the aging process accelerates with the intake of poor, denatured foods.

9 fitness Aerobic Fitness
Aerobic fitness means increasing how well your body uses oxygen. This depends on the condition of your heart, lungs, and muscles. Any activity that raises your heart rate, such as walking or running, can improve aerobic fitness. Our bodies are built to move, but that is happening less and less. Amount of screen time in our country is at an all time high Average person spends 9.5 hours a day sitting, that’s more than we sleep! Exercise and weight bearing activity are essential to optimal health You can transform your body, gain lean muscle, and burn unwanted fat in a few minutes per week

10 Muscle fitness means building stronger muscles and increasing how long you can use them (endurance). Activities like weight lifting can improve your muscular fitness.

11 Flexibility The ability to move your joints and muscles through their full range of motion. Stretching is an exercise that helps you to be more flexible.

12 Thank you! Any Questions?

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