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ASTSWMO Annual Meeting

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1 ASTSWMO Annual Meeting
Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances Method Validation Update for Non-Drinking Water Samples ASTSWMO Annual Meeting October 26, 2017 Introduce self Purpose of Cross-Agency Method Validation Workgroup Introduce tri-chairs Christopher A. Impellitteri-EPA-ORD Schatzi Fitz-James-EPA-OLEM Cynthia Caporale-EPA-Region 3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 10/26/2017

2 Drinking Water Method 537 Six per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) under the 3rd Unregulated Contaminants monitoring rule (UCMR3) Eight additional PFAS not listed on UCMR3 Finished (treated) drinking water samples; potable groundwater For DW, Method 537 is the EPA validated method for drinking water available at the time of the UCMR3 process. Six PFAS were evaluated and the method has a total of 14 included. Evidence that labs in the US are using a “modified” 537 for non-DW samples. That means it is no longer “537”. With other water matrices being investigated needed a method that can be used for non-drinking water samples. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

3 Non-DW Sample Methods Focus on: Simplicity Robustness
Production lab use Minimizing sample transfers, extractions, filter steps, chemical additions (e.g. pH adjustments) Find a balance among sensitivity, ease of implementation, and monitoring requirements “Minimizing sample transfers…”- Contamination issues “Monitoring requirements”-vary for different states. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

4 PFAS Method Validation
24 PFAS (including all target analytes in EPA Method 537) Methods under consideration for water (all using LC/MS/MS) Direct injection Solid phase extraction (with and without radio-labeled internal standard correction) Target Reporting Limit: 10 ng/L Publish validated method in 2018 SW , 8328, 8329 Evaluating Methods to include Solids Cross-Agency Validation Workgroup worked with program offices, regions and toxicologist to determine list of analytes. 24 PFAS were selected. Methods under consideration all include use of LC/MS/MS. The direct inject method is currently in the validation process with external labs expected to start in November. Solid phase extraction methods will follow. Detection limit goal is 10ppt. Some compounds might have higher DLs Plans are to have the first SW-846 method in draft by spring 2018. Currently workgroup is evaluating soil methods for various solid matrices. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

5 PFAS - Sampling and Storage
Sampling/Storage Holding time studies Sample vessel materials (glass, polycarbonate, high-density polyethylene) Standard operating procedures for field sampling Initial focus on groundwater In addition to method validation efforts the cross-agency workgroup is also evaluating holding times and sample containers. This information will be used to prepare standard operating procedures to be used during field sampling. Currently the workgroup is developing protocols related to groundwater. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

6 EPA Sampling Guidance for GW
Draft PFAS Groundwater Sampling Guidance expected January 2018 Not a stand-alone document Use in conjunction with existing groundwater sampling guidance Covers specific actions and materials to use or to avoid to prevent PFAS Contamination or loss The outcome for these protocols is to have a guidance document drafted by January Note this will not be a stand-alone document but instead as a supplement to existing GW sampling guidance that address the specific techniques that prevent contamination or even loss of analytes. 5/23/2017

7 Questions? Comments? Contacts:
OLEM-Schatzi Fitz-James: Region 3- Cynthia Caporale: ORD-Chris Impellitteri: Communications-Michelle Latham: Overall, the method validation workgroup anticipates completing the external multi-lab validation by February 2018 with a draft method available by spring. For specific information any of the individuals listed here may be contacted. Updates are also provide on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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