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Student Data Score First Name Last Name ID GPA DOB Phone ...

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Presentation on theme: "Student Data Score First Name Last Name ID GPA DOB Phone ..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Data Score First Name Last Name ID GPA DOB Phone ...
How to store student data in our programs?

2 Store Student Data in Variables
// For one student at a time float score, GPA; string firstName, lastName, ID;

3 Store Students Data in Parallel Arrays
const int MAX_SIZE = 30; // To keep data for all students float scores[MAX_SIZE], GPA[MAX_SIZE]; string firstName[MAX_SIZE], lastName[MAX_SIZE], ID[MAX_SIZE];

4 C++ Structure struct Student { string id; string firstName, lastName;
float gpa; }; // Student is a data type!

5 Structure Variables int numStudents; float score; Student s1, s2;
// Student is a data type!

6 Accessing Members of a Structure Variable
Student s1; // Input data into struct cout << "Enter ID: "; cin >>; cout << "Enter first name: "; cin >> s1.firstName; // Output student data cout << setw(9) << << setw(25) << s1.firstName; Using the dot notation!

7 C++ Class class Student { string id; string firstName, lastName;
float gpa; }; // Student is a class (data type)! // By default, all fields are private.

8 Create public functions (methods) to access private fields.
C++ Class class Student { private: string id; string firstName, lastName; float gpa; public: . . . }; Create public functions (methods) to access private fields.

9 Class Methods class Student { private: string id;
string firstName, lastName; float gpa; public: // Make sure the order is correct. void Read() cin >> id >> firstName >> lastName >> gpa; } };

10 Class Methods class Student { private: string id;
string firstName, lastName; float gpa; public: void Read() void Print() cout << endl; cout << setw(9) << id << setw(20) << firstName << setw(20) << lastName << setw(5) << gpa; } };

11 Calling Class Methods Using the dot notation! Student s1;
// Input data into object s1 s1.Read(); // Output data of object s1 s1.Print(); Using the dot notation!

12 Syntax and Style class Student { private: string id;
string firstName, lastName; float gpa; public: void Read() . . . }; // class, private, public: key word // Student: Identifier, your choice // Fields : Declaring variables // Braces // Semicolon after } // Read, Print: class methods (function inside class) // Indentation

13 Semantics Student is a new data type!
class Student { private: string id; string firstName, lastName; float gpa; public: void Read() cin >> id >> firstName >> lastName >> gpa; } . . . }; Student is a new data type! It has data fields and methods (functions) on the data.

14 Semantics class Student { private: string id; string firstName, lastName; float gpa; public: void Read() cin >> id >> firstName >> lastName >> gpa; } . . . }; Data fields have class scope and can be accessed from any class methods!

15 C++ Classes cin >> base;
while ( !cin.eof() && (base < 2 || base > 9) ) { // display message cin.ignore(MAX_LINE_SIZE, ‘\n’); cin >> base: }

16 More Class Methods class Student { private: . . . public:
string getFirst() return firstName; } void setFirstName( string name ) firstName = name; };

17 More Class Methods class Student { private: . . . public:
string getGPA() return gpa; } void setGPA( float value ) gpa = value; void updateGPA( float amount ) gpa += amount; };

18 Calling Class Methods // Comparing two students
if ( s1.getGPA() > s2.getGPA() ) cout << “\nFirst student has higher GPA."; else if ( s1.getGPA() < s2.getGPA() ) cout << “\nSecond student has higher GPA."; else cout << “\nThe two student have the same GPA.";

19 Calling Class Methods // Updating students data s1.setGPA( 2.9 );
s1.updateGPA( 0.5 ); if ( s1.getGPA() > s2.getGPA() ) cout << “\nFirst student has higher GPA."; else if ( s1.getGPA() < s2.getGPA() ) cout << “\nSecond student has higher GPA."; else cout << “\nThe two student have the same GPA.";

20 class Student { . . . } int main() Student s1, s2; s1.Read(); s2.Read(); s1.Print(); s2.Print(); // Comparing GPA of s1 and s2 s1.updateGPA( 0.5 ); return 0;

21 //----------------------------------------
// Comment Block // Includes // constants class Student { . . . } // Function prototypes int main() return 0; // Function definitions

22 Wednesday: Test2 Review
Schedule Quiz5-5: Due today Quiz7-1: Due Wednesday Wednesday: Test2 Review Thursday: Lab 8 Friday Test 2: 60 points Notes Program 4 Due Wednesday, April 6 Grace Friday, April 8

23 Quiz5-6 Now

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