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Effects & Risks to Your Health

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1 Effects & Risks to Your Health
Alcohol & drugs Effects & Risks to Your Health

2 After reviewing this Unit, you should be able to:
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS After reviewing this Unit, you should be able to: Identify Alcohol’s pathway once ingested Identify the harmful effects & risks of Alcohol on the body Define Blood Alcohol Concentration & factors that determine a person’s BAC Identify the differences between drug misuse & abuse Identify the categories of drugs, effects, & risks on the body

3 Alcohol Pre-Test (true or false)
Beer is “weaker” than rum or vodka ____________ Alcohol is digested the same way food is digested ____________ Because alcohol is a stimulant, it tends to pep you up____________ The liver is the organ responsible for “burning up” the alcohol in the body ________ The body can eliminate about 5 ounces of alcohol per hour __________ BAC or BAL refers to the amount of calories in an alcoholic beverage __________ Black coffee & a cold shower can help to sober you up _____________ It is possible to die from an overdose of alcohol ______________ Alcohol does the greatest damage to the liver, brain, and heart ____________ Alcohol is high in calories and has no nutritional value ______________

4 Alcohol pre-test Answers
TRUE – based on percentage of alcohol by volume FALSE – Alcohol is digested by different organs in the body FALSE – Alcohol is a Depressant (slows body down) TRUE TRUE – 5 oz. wine, 1.5 oz. shot of liquor, or 12 oz. can of beer FALSE – BAC/BAL stands for how much alcohol(%) is in the bloodstream FALSE – only way to eliminate alcohol is through urine, sweat, or liver TRUE – depends on a person’s BAC & other factors

5 Alcohol: its process, types, & standard drink
Alcohol is referred to ethanol & is made through a process called Fermentation – a conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast Fermentation will yield certain types of alcohol such as beer, wine, and liquors (vodka) Standard Drink Equivalents: Beer = 12 ounces or 7%ABV, Wine = 4-5 ounces or 12-15%ABV, Liquor (80pf) = 1.5 ounces or 40-70%ABV

6 Alcohol’s pathway Mouth: Alcohol enters the body
Stomach: some alcohol gets into the bloodstream but most goes to the small intestine Small Intestine: alcohol enters the bloodstream through the wall of the small intestine Heart: pumps alcohol throughout the body Brain: alcohol reaches the brain from the bloodstream Liver: alcohol is oxidized (burned up) by the liver at a rate of .5-1 fluid ounces per hour Alcohol is converted into water, carbon dioxide, & energy

7 Short & long-term effects
Relaxing effect Slurred speech Slowed reaction time, coordination, & concentration & vision Altered emotions More blood flow to surface of skin & lower core body temperature LONG Brain – disrupts behavior, learning, & memory Heart – blood pressure increases – heart disease, heart attack or stroke Lungs – damage cells of lungs to remove fluids (choking), reduces immune response Liver – organ responsible for filtering alcohol from the bloodstream - Cirrhosis = scarring of liver tissue - Cancer

8 Blood Alcohol concentration (BAC)
Ratio of Alcohol to Blood in the body (%) 5 Factors that influence a person’s BAC: Gender- stronger effect on females Body Weight- A heavy weight results in more fluids to mix w/alcohol resulting in a lower BAC Strength & Size of Drink- Stronger alcohol content consumed, higher BAC will rise & larger drinks contain more alcohol Food- possible to slow rate in which alcohol is absorbed Time- faster a person drinks, quicker their BAC will rise

9 BAC Level .08 BAC Level Illegal for a person 21 or older to drive a vehicle Person is 11 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than someone who has had nothing to drink .02 BAC Level Illegal for a person years of age to drive a vehicle All drivers under 21 who commit a DUI can be subject to a 6 month driver’s license suspension, probation, fined, or jailed

10 Medicine vs. Drugs – Misuse vs. Abuse
Medicine – drug(s) that are used to treat illness or relieve pain (tylenol for a headache) 2 Types: OTC (over the counter) – no need for a written prescription Prescription (Rx) – written order from a doctor (anitbiotics) Drugs- chemical substances taken into the body that can change the structure or function of body/mind (increase heart rate or hallucinations) Misuse – Inappropriate use of prescribed or non-prescribed medicine, for other non-medical purposes. Abuse – repeatedly and willfully using a drug in a way other than prescribed or socially sanctioned

11 Categories of drugs Cannabinoids Marijuana, Hashish -Smoked, swallowed
Effects: Euphoria, slow reaction time, distorted sensory perception Risks: Frequent respiratory infections, cough, addiction, memory loss Opioids Heroin - Injected, smoked, swallowed Effects: Impaired coordination, slow/arrested breathing Risks: Addiction, fatal overdose, hepatitis, HIV

12 Categories of drugs Stimulants Cocaine, Amphetamine, Methamphetamines
- Inhaled, Injected, taken orally Effects: Increases all body functions, i.e., heart rate, breathing rate, anxiety, psychosis Risks: Cardiac complications, seizures, nasal damage, dental problems, addiction Club Drugs MDMA (Ecstasy), Rohypnol, GHB Known as Date Rape Drugs - Swallowed, snorted, injected Effects: Lowered inhibitions, sedation, muscle relaxation, confusion, memory loss Risks: Impaired memory, seizures, coma, addiction & at risk to be assaulted

13 Categories of drugs Hallucinogens LSD, mushrooms, peyote
- Swallowed, smoked Effects: Increased body temp, blood pressure, heart rate, altered states of perception & feeling Risks: Flashbacks (causes brain to misfire & send incorrect signals) Anabolic Steroids Man-made substance related to testosterone (HGH) - Injected, swallowed, absorbed through skin Risks: Males – reduced sperm production, breast tissue growth (enlargement), shrunken testicles Females – menstrual irregularities, take on male characteristics (deeper voice, hair growth)

14 Categories of drugs Depressants Xanax, Valium, Alcohol
- Swallowed, injected Effects: Slows down body functions Sedation, drowsiness, impaired coordination/memory Risks: Decrease in blood pressure, breathing, respiratory arrest, death Inhalants Substances whose fumes are breathed in to produce mind-altering effects - cleaning fluids, gas, paints Effect: Depresses Central Nervous System, open sores around mouth/nose, odor on breath Risks: Lack of oxygen to brain, slows breathing/heart rate, death

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