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Descriptive writing Similes and metaphors LO: How can using a simile or metaphor help improve my descriptive writing?

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive writing Similes and metaphors LO: How can using a simile or metaphor help improve my descriptive writing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive writing Similes and metaphors LO: How can using a simile or metaphor help improve my descriptive writing?

2 The Sun The sun is like a pool of golden snakes glistening in the sky, slithering in circles. The sun is like a ball, yellow and shining. Copy down the simile you think is the best one And explain what you think a simile is.

3 A simile is when you compare something to another thing that has a similar quality using the word like or as. Copy and complete the following sentences: The rain sounded like _____________ . The wind whistled like ____________ . The sun was as hot as ______________ . The beautiful snow glistens like ____________ .

4 (Simile) Her eyes shone like diamonds
(Simile) Her eyes shone like diamonds. = (Metaphor) Her eyes were diamonds. Write your own definition of metaphor.

5 Quick thinking! Simile or metaphor
The boss’s words were crystal clear. She was as white as a ghost. He was a man mountain. The baby was an octopus grabbing everything. The bar of soap was like a slippery eel. He was as busy as a beaver. She was brave like a lion. The screaming noise was a knife in my ears. The thunder beat across the sky like a drum. The rain was ice trickling down my face.

6 Frozen Planet 1) As you watch the clip note down any interesting things that you see. 2) Come up with 5 Similes and 5 metaphors based on the things you saw in the Frozen Planet clip.

7 Extended writing practice!
You must write a story for a local magazine. The story’s title must be ‘Frozen adventures’. You must write about your journey to a snowy and cold climate. You must include: Descriptive detail Metaphors Similes

8 Mark out of 10 for how well you have done the following:
I have used a variety of words to describe different things. The work is detailed.. I have used imaginative similes. I have used imaginative metaphors. Lets return to the LO! How can using a simile or metaphor help improve my descriptive writing?

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