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Miss Nandlal & Mrs. Flahive Jan 2017

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1 Miss Nandlal & Mrs. Flahive Jan 2017
ELA: Poetry Unit Miss Nandlal & Mrs. Flahive Jan 2017

2 Poetry Terms Term Definition Repetition Repeating a word or phrase
Metaphors Comparing WITHOUT using “like” or Simile Comparing USING “like” or “as” Onomatopoeia Use of words that sound like the object or action Alliteration Repetition of beginning consonant sounds Mood The emotion you feel when you read a poem

3 Poetry Terms cont’d Imagery Personification Tone Diction Hyperbole
Definition Imagery Mental pictures that are created with words Personification Giving human qualities to non-human objects Tone Writer’s attitude towards a subject Diction Writer’s word choice Rhyme Scheme The arrangement of lines in a stanza or poem Hyperbole The use of over exaggeration for the purpose of creating emphasis or humor that is not intended to be taken literally. Stanza A group of lines within a poem

4 Repetition

5 Metaphors

6 Simile

7 Onomatopoeia

8 Alliteration

9 Imagery in Poetry Identify what type of Imagery can be found:
The golden sun shone. The booming thunder roared The downy softness of cotton balls. The smokey waft of treated leather. The bitterness of day old coffee The crisp slice of frozen air. The branches waving in the breeze. Identify what type of Imagery can be found: *Visuals *Auditory *Tactile *Taste *Temperature *Smell

10 Personification

11 Tone What tone is the author conveying?
I’d rather stay here and wait, than go into that dark room. The sun is shining brightly in the meadow, let’s go out and play! I called my friend at their house, her brother said she’s not home, but I heard her voice come over the line.

12 Hyperbole

13 Rhyme Scheme

14 How to Perform a Poem Volume (loud, soft) TONE
Body Language (Hand movements, arms, knock) Speed (fast, slow) Breath work (inhale/exhale) Pause`

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