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Explorers, Pioneers, and Discoverers

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Presentation on theme: "Explorers, Pioneers, and Discoverers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explorers, Pioneers, and Discoverers
Unit 4 Week 1 Day 2

2 Question of the Week: What drives people to explore harsh climates and dangerous places?

3 Word Analysis: French and Italian Words
Many French and Italian words have entered the English language Examples: Word Language Meaning piano Italian gondola basket carried aloft by a balloon ballet French critique

4 Literary Terms: Similes and Metaphors
Both are examples of figurative language A simile compares two unlike things by using the word like or as Ex: The stars are like pinpoints of light. A metaphor also compares two unlike things, but it doesn’t use words of comparison Ex: The stars are pinpoints of light


6 “Into the Ice” Background
What is the Arctic? Where is it? What is the climate like in the Arctic? Why do you think people explore the Arctic? What would be difficult about exploring the Arctic?

7 “Into the Ice” Background
Narrative nonfiction: recounts a story about real people, places, and events Usually told in chronological order “Into the Ice” tells the tale of exploring the Arctic

8 Independent Work: Tested Vocabulary (due tomorrow)
Create Metaphor/Simile Table 5 in each column Due tomorrow Read “Into the Ice” (pg ) “Into the Ice” Organizer Due Thursday Spelling Menu (due Friday) Read choice novel

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