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Seasons and Sunlight Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis with respect to the sun. The tilt causes 24 hours of darkness each day at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Seasons and Sunlight Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis with respect to the sun. The tilt causes 24 hours of darkness each day at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seasons and Sunlight Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis with respect to the sun. The tilt causes 24 hours of darkness each day at the North Pole in winter. The equator gets more direct sunlight so is warmer. The poles are cooler because they do not get direct sunlight so they get less energy per square meter.

2 Influences on Climate Large bodies of water influence climate. They both warm land up and cool land down depending on the season and time of year. El Nino causes ocean temperatures to increase off the coast of Peru. Climate is determined by averaging weather over a long period of time. Opposite extremes of day and night temperatures are associated with deserts. Large cities create “heat islands” when pavement stores heat and buildings generate heat. The climate classification system is based on studies of temperature and precipitation.

3 Adaptations Hibernation is reduced activity in cold weather.
Estivation is a behavioral adaptation in hot, dry weather. Shivering to stay warm would also be a behavioral adaptation. Very few species can adapt to extreme cold, like that found at the poles. There are far more species at the tropics.

4 Global Warming Deforestation, burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) releases CO2 into the atmosphere, and grazing livestock (which produces methane) all can cause global warming. Global warming in man-made changes to our climate. The greenhouse effect is the natural effect of the atmosphere holding in heat. The greenhouse effect makes Earth warm enough to support life. Global warming may be killing off coral reefs. Planting trees would reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If trees are all cut down, there will be more CO2 so more global warming.

5 ICE AGES Geologic records indicate that at times the Earth was actually warmer in the past. Right now, we are in an INTERGLACIAL INTERVAL, or between ice ages. Changes in the Earth’s orbit might have caused some of the ice ages. Planetary cooling can also happen because of volcanic eruptions.

6 ZONES Temperate Climates are warm in summer, cold in winter, and mild in spring and fall. In general, moderate temperatures. Mountains cause air to rise and cool on one side, causing more precipitation. On the other side of the mountains it is usually very dry.

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