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Rise of Civilization.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of Civilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of Civilization

2 Time

3 Think of time as being like the “X” axis in math!

4 Cultural Bias in Timelines?
BC = Before Christ AD = Anno Domini or “In the Year of Our Lord”

5 Paleolithic Age Paleo = “Old” Lithic = “Stone” 2 million – 10,000 BC
Oldest period of human existence Not “history”

6 1. Nomadic Lifestyle

7 2. Used simple tools

8 3. Learned to use fire

9 4. Invented clothing

10 5. Developed animistic religion
Animism: natural objects or forces possess a “spirit”

11 Neolithic Age Begins c.10,000 BC “Neo” = “New”
Marked by what historians call the “Neolithic Revolution” – 2 major changes in how people acquired their foodstuffs

12 1. Farming People no longer had to rely for survival on gathering food that grew in the wild Food production becomes more reliable and less time consuming

13 2. Domestication of animals

14 More food = more people!

15 THINKING BREAK! Take 2 minutes to discuss with your neighbor the following question: Besides people’s eating habits, what other things would have changed about their lives with the introduction of agriculture?

16 The Neolithic Revolution led to the rise of “civilizations”
BUT WHAT DOES “CIVILIZATION” MEAN EXACTLY? According to historians, a civilization should show signs of 8 common features:

17 1. Cities

18 2. Organized government

19 3. Complex religion

20 4. Job specialization

21 5. Social classes

22 6. Arts & Architecture

23 7. Public works

24 8. Writing Egypt = Hieroglyphs Sumer = Cuneiform Aryans = Sanskrit
Chinese = jia-gu wen Our own modern “alphabet” (named for the Greek letters alpha + beta) is of ancient Phoenician origin

25 What about the U.S.?

26 Cities?

27 Organized gov’t?

28 Complex religion?

29 Job specialization?

30 Social classes?

31 Arts & Architecture?

32 Public works?

33 Writing?

34 What about KHS? Cities? Government? Religion? Public Works?
Job specialization? Social classes? Art & Architecture? Writing?

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