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Communal Livestock System Small Stock: //Karas Region

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Presentation on theme: "Communal Livestock System Small Stock: //Karas Region"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communal Livestock System Small Stock: //Karas Region
Mr B Haraseb Mr M Mushabati Mr F S Hango Ms E Handunge Ms J Amakali Mr C I Tjiho Mr O Mwanyangapo Ms E Namalambo Mr A Ankama

2 Background Commonage, non-title deed, resource (water and grazing) sharing //Karas communal area: ha Consist of 2 constituencies i.e Berseba & Karasburg East Communal agricultural wards: Berseba, Bethanie, Tses & Bondelswarts Approximately communal farmers

3 Cont’ Background Rainfall ranges from 50 mm – 200 mm with an average 160 mm/annum Temp range: -4 – 40 ̊C Livestock numbers: Cattle – , Sheep – , Goats – , Donkey – 5108 & Horses – 4290 (Livestock census, 2016) Dwarf shrub savanna Shallow underground water table (approx 3 m)

4 Objectives Increased production Increased Household (HH) income

5 Adaptations measures: Rangeland seeding
Effectiveness: Increase biodiversity Increase biomass (forage quality) Increase carrying capacities Improve livestock condition …increase production, off-take = Increase HH income & Food security


7 Adaptations measures: Rangeland seeding
Cost: Procurement of seeds (species such as S. uniplumis, S. papophroides or kalahariensis, C. ciliaris, A. pubescens, etc.) Mobilization of communities (TA. Farmers & Union, etc.) × 4 Development of training material (translations in local vernaculars) Training cost (teaching aids, transport, accommodation, meals) Establishment of demonstration/pilot plots × 8


9 Adaptations measures: Rangeland seeding


11 Adaptations measures: Rangeland seeding
Feasibility: Implementation is supported by the National Rangeland Management Policy & Strategy (NRMP&S) Use of native grass species (can germinate in existing climatic conditions and seeds can be harvested locally) Availability of grass species with local retailers Available human resources to conduct/facilitate trainings Cost implications (seeds, training, training material, labour) Coordination in commonage system (grass poaching, combined herding)

12 Adaptation, Productivity & Mitigation
Impact of rangeland seeding Adaptation Productivity Mitigation

13 Adaptation, Productivity & Mitigation
Land restored/reclamation (combating degradation) Lost biodiversity is re-introduced Less supplementation …mortalities decreased, gene pool preserved …increased production, reduced carbon foot print, increased off take = Increased HH income & Food security..





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