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A Non Verbal Technique for Communicating with Others

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Presentation on theme: "A Non Verbal Technique for Communicating with Others"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Non Verbal Technique for Communicating with Others
S.O.L.E.R. liStening A Non Verbal Technique for Communicating with Others

2 S stands for: Square Up – Your body should be facing the person you are speaking to.

3 O Stands for: Open Up - Uncross your arms and nonverbally show that you are ready to listen and participate in conversation.

4 L Stands for: Lean in – slightly lean towards the person you are speaking with. It shows interest and concentration.

5 THINK ABOUT IT How do you know someone is listening to you? What do you do to show someone you are listening?

6 E stands for Eye Contact – shows trust, interest, and respect. Keeps you focused.

7 R stands for Relax and Respond - watch your tone of voice! Use non-verbals to be responsive.

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