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09 IAT 102 Graphic Design.

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1 09 IAT 102 Graphic Design

2 Design Movements

3 Art Nouveau: French Posters
- Organic plant-like line - Female form Idealized figures are evolved, especially women Hand-drawn typography - colourful and ornamental La Scala - Toulouse Lautrec 3

4 Palais de Glace (1896 A.D.) Jules Cheret

5 Germany: The Kiss (1898 A.D.) Peter Behrens

6 Constructivism constructed abstraction mathematical placement
simple geometric forms expression of industrial society pure line, shape, color El Lissitzky Jan Tschichold Laszlo Moholy-Nagy El Lissitzky (Russia): Poem, 1923

7 Constructivism

8 Constructivism: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

9 Constructivism: Jan Tschichold

10 Jan Tschichold

11 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style)
asymmetrical organization grid objective photography clear and factual sans serif typography Herbert Matter, Max Bill, Otl Aicher, Emil Ruder, Armin Hofmann, Josef Müller-Brockmann (Chapter 18, Meggs) Armin Hofmann, 1954

12 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Herbert Matter 12

13 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Herbert Matter 13

14 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Herbert Matter 14

15 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Josef Müller-Brockmann

16 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Josef Müller-Brockmann

17 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Max Bill 17

18 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Emil Ruder 18

19 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Emil Ruder 19

20 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Armin Hofmann 20

21 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Armin Hofmann 21

22 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Armin Hofmann 22

23 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Armin Hofmann 23

24 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style) Armin Hofmann 24

25 New York School freely invented shapes symbolic and expressive
asymmetrical balance Paul Rand Saul Bass (Chapter 19, Meggs) Paul Rand

26 New York School Paul Rand 26

27 New York School Saul Bass 27

28 Postmodern Design Weingart
breaking and expanding the rules of the Swiss style complexity ornaments Weingart Schraivogel Sagmeister (Chapter 23, Meggs) Ralph_Schraivogel, 1989

29 Postmodern Design Odermatt and Tissi 29

30 Postmodern Design Odermatt and Tissi 30

31 Postmodern Design Odermatt and Tissi 31

32 Postmodern Design Wolfgang Weingart 32

33 Postmodern Design Wolfgang Weingart 33

34 Postmodern Design Wolfgang Weingart 34

35 Postmodern Design Wolfgang Weingart 35

36 Postmodern Design Niklaus Troxler 36

37 Postmodern Design Schraivogel 37

38 Postmodern Design Sagmeister 38

39 Postmodern Design Sagmeister 39

40 Postmodern Design Sagmeister 40

41 fin

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