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From Alba Longa to Tarquinius Superbus

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Presentation on theme: "From Alba Longa to Tarquinius Superbus"— Presentation transcript:

1 From Alba Longa to Tarquinius Superbus
Basic Roman History From Alba Longa to Tarquinius Superbus

2 Imperium Romanum

3 The Problem With Records
390 BC Rome is sacked Records are burned History before this is reimagined after the fact – more legend/myth This is how Romans want to be seen

4 Our Story Begins 1184 B.C. C. 783 B.C. Alba Longa Numitor & Amulius

5 Rhea Silvia Numitor’s daughter Amulius’s decision Mars’s interference
Has twin boys Punished for violating vow

6 Romulus & Remus Babies in Basket Father Tiber A wolf and a woodpecker
Faustulus & Acca Larentia

7 The boys grow up… Amulius’s Shepherds Remus Captured!
Faustulus reveals the truth Numitor’s hunch about Remus Amulius’s death Restoring Numitor

8 Ab Urbe Condita Which hill? Augury & Vultures
“Don’t jump over my wall!”

9 The Rape of The Sabine Women
Problem with a bunch of dudes? Festival of treachery Women given civil and property rights; mothers of free men

10 The War with the Sabines
Titus Tatius The Perfidy of Tarpeia Romulus stops the rout “Stop, in the name of love!”

11 The Senators & the ‘death’ of Romulus
100 Patres A whirling nimbus “Romulus is with the gods” Quirinus

12 Our story so far… Why did Aeneas flee Troy?
How many years were there between the founding of Alba Longa & the foundation of Rome? Why did Romulus and Remus have to get their milk from a wolf? Why is the Tarpeian Rock called the Tarpeian Rock?

13 Numa Pompilius Interregnum Chosen to be king Refusal & augury Peace
Egeria Religious Laws The Fasti Jan/Feb

14 Tullus Hostilius (673-642 B.C.)
Ferocitas Religion? Pfft! Treachery and barbaric death of Mettius Fufetius Bad omens Death by lightning

15 Horatii v. Curiatii 2 sets of triplets – Romans & Albans
Early setbacks Cunning of surviving Horatius Horatia’s mistake Horatius’s acquittal

16 Ancus Marcius Not very important for us Builds a lot!
1st bridge across Tiber Rome’s 1st prison

17 Tarquinius Priscus Lucumo & Tanaquil leave Tarquinii
An eagle and a cap Lucumo becomes king for Ancus’s sons Disinheritance of Ancus’ sons Circus Maximus Death by Ancus’s sons

18 Servius Tullius Priscus’s son-in-law The burning hair
Census, temples, coins, bigger city, new wall Expansion of the vote All-around great king

19 The Rise of Tarquinius Superbus
Tullia m. Tarquinius So does her sister Treacherous switcheroo Public power grab A daughter’s love… Reduces the Senate Capitoline temple

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