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Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.

2 Basic amino acid structure - glycine

3 Primary structure of insulin - polymerisation
DEFINITION: The primary structure of a protein is given by the unique specific sequence of amino acids that make up the protein

4 Secondary structure - Alpha helix and polypeptide chain
Hydrogen bond + -


6 Quaternary structure Combination of different polypeptide chains.
May also be non- protein (prosthetic) groups associated with the molecules e.g. Haem 6

7 Haemocyanin Haemoglobin β - polypeptide α - polypeptide Copper unit
Haem unit crabs, lobsters, snails, octopus have blue blood.


9 Describe the 4 levels of protein structure in haemoglobin
Primary – consists of 4 polypeptide chains Secondary – chains are coiled into a helix Tertiary – each polypeptide chain is folded into a precise shape (allowing it to carry 02) Quaternary – all 4 polypeptide chains are linked together to form an almost spherical molecule. Each polypeptide is associated with a Haem group (contains Fe2+) Each Fe2+ ion can combine with one 02 molecule. How many oxygen’s can be carried by each haemoglobin?

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