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Psychology and Advertising & Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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1 Psychology and Advertising & Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Analyzing Print Ads Psychology and Advertising & Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

2 Psychology And Advertising
Watch Youtube Clip: 6:56 mins

3 Terms from Video Clip Psychology
The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes Advertisement A commercial solicitation that is a form of communication designed to sell some commodity or service Its 3 main forms it to: INFORM, PERSUADE & INFLUENCE Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) A theory identifying two ways in communication can be persuasive Central Route – direct route, appeals to logic, high involvement Peripheral Route – influenced by superficial cues (colours, emotion, music, attractive speaker) temporary

4 Involvement How much time, energy and other resources the receiver is willing to put into the process. Affect Refers to the experience of a feeling or emotion, which occurs rapidly and involuntarily in response to a stimulus like advertising Positive affect – joy, hope, pleasure Negative affect – anger, fear, shame Affect Heuristic Decisions that are determined by affective considerations (are feelings of like or dislike or good and bad)

5 COLOURS Pink Red Yellow Blue Green
Account for 60-70% of Consumer Reaction! Pink Associated with Sweetness Used to sell candy & pastries Red Increases Blood Pressure Heart Rate and Appetite Grabs Attention Stimulates Quick Decision Making Yellow The first coloured processed by the human eye so it is often used to grad attention Blue Adults most popular & favourite colour Often used to sell Jewelry Royalty Adds a Nauseating Effect to Food Green Relaxing colour often found in hospitals Environmentally Friendly Natural

6 COLOURS Orange White Purple Black Brown
Account for 60-70% of Consumer Reaction! Orange Causes people to feel Energetic Often found in Fast Food Restaurants Prolonged exposure - Aggressive White Cleanliness and purity simplicity, newness and high technology Purple Most difficult colours to produce, often associated with royal, rich and luxurious Black Power, Sophistication and Formality Makes other colours pop Preferred Type – for increased readability Brown Favoured by Men Represents Natural and the Earth, Solidity and Strength



9 Scan the AD – How is it Organized?
What is the Message? Scan the AD – How is it Organized? Where is the text positioned? The relationship of the text to the image Size and colour of text Does this ad accomplish its goal? Did it work? When you read/see magazines ads or other print ads, do you always read ALL the text in the ads? Probably Not, right? So what do you do? How do you view ads? What strategies do you use? What purpose do you read for if you read an ad? Why is it sometimes important to read the fine print in an ad? Bad Ad!

10 Implied Message - Infer
Overt Messages Most print ads use as few words as possible to suggest a message to the reader Ex. Apple computers “Think different” slogan Implied Message - Infer Often print ads require the reader to “fill in” information that is missing in the text – making inferences Ex. How can I “think different?” I can “think different” by purchasing a Mac

11 Find an Ad! Search through magazines and find an interesting ad that catches your attention Then Complete interpreting ad questions 1a-e 1a) which of these ads do you find most appealing? Why? 1b) How effective are these ads? What makes them effective? 1c) What is the purpose of these ads? 1d) What type of magazine do you think these ads come from? 1e) How do some advertisers take advantage of trends, or current events?

12 Maslow`s Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham (Harold) Maslow (April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970) was an American psychologist. He is mostly noted today for his proposal of a hierarchy of human needs and is considered the father of humanistic psychology. Maslow postulated that needs are arranged in a hierarchy in terms of their potency. The lower the need is in the pyramid, the more powerful it is. The higher the need is in the pyramid, the weaker it is. Maslow`s Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualisation Personal growth and fulfilment Self-Esteem Achievement, status, responsibility, reputation Belonging and Love Family, affection, relationships, work group, etc. Safety Protection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc Psychological Basic life needs – air, food, water, shelter, warmth, sleep, etc.

13 Physiological This ad fits into Maslow’s Physiological needs was an ad for Snicker’s candy bar. The strategy of this ad is to let people know that Snickers is a candy bar that will fill you up, not just hold you over until you are able to eat a full meal. It will, in essence, remove all of the hunger from your body, not just cover it up. This is an example of Physiological need because one of the most basic things humans need is food.

14 Safety This ADT security systems ad covers Maslow’s need for Safety. The ad exposes an elaborate type of theft that could be used against any home owner. The strategy of this ad is that by using ADT security systems, you will be able to rest easy knowing that you have the brains of an entire network of experienced people and computers working to keep your home safe from smart burglars. Burglars may be smart, but ADT is smarter and is working for you. This is an example of the Safety need because humans need to be able to know that they are safe from financial and physical harm. This ad demonstrates that ADT is able to help prevent financial harm, someone stealing your belongings, and possibly physical harm

15 Axe gives you the ability to smell decent and get the girl!
Love & Belonging This Axe deodorant and body spray ad covers Maslow’s need for love and belonging. Axe deodorant is able to fulfill this need by providing men the first step towards love: attracting a girl (which you can’t do unless she at least finds that you smell decent). Axe gives you the ability to smell decent and get the girl! This ad is an example of the need for love because to be loved by someone, you must first attract them. Axe solves your problem of smelling bad.

16 Esteem This Pearl Izumi running shoes ad covers Maslow’s need for Esteem. The strategy of this ad is to exemplify that runners are a select group of people. Only the real runners are the lions of exercisers, preying on the weak joggers. Pearl Izumi is a running shoe, not a jogger’s shoe. This gives the reader a sense of superiority if they are a runner. The Pearl Izumi brand fits in nicely with that sense of superiority of all runners by stating that they too are runners. Buying the Pearl Izumi brand of running shoes will let the joggers know that you are the lion of the running path. This ad is an example of the need for Esteem because it portrays runners as a step, no pun intended, above of joggers. People can gain self-esteem through believing they are better than someone in one way or another.

17 Self-Actualization This ad for the United States Army Reserve covers Maslow’s Self-Actualization. The strategy of this ad is that if you join the Army Reserve, you will achieve a sense of accomplishment and become a better, stronger, more powerful person because of it. You will in fact become all that you can be as a human being. This ad is an example of covering Self-Actualization because it offers the viewer a chance to better themselves and become a more well-rounded and complete individual.

18 Appealing? Or Not? Which of these ads did you find most appealing? Why? How effective are these ads? What makes them effective? What is the purpose of these ads? What type of magazine do you think these ads come from? How do some advertisers take advantage of trends, or current events?

19 Up and the Hierarchy of Needs (6:25mins): http://www. youtube

20 Try it! In groups, search through various magazines and try to find an ad for each of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualization Self-Esteem Love & Belonging Safety Psychological *Also try to identify the colours they use and if it fits with the colour attractions we learned about

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