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Robert E. Lee Letter to his Son

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1 Robert E. Lee Letter to his Son
Adam Stensland Andrew Oller

2 Author Background Robert E. Lee was born in Virginia. He attended West Point. He fought for the United States in the Mexican-American War.

3 Author Background He was expected to fight for the Union in the Civil War. He had to decide between fighting for his country or his home state. After Virginia Succeeded, he chose to fight for the South.

4 Historical Significance
This letter was written before the outbreak of the Civil War. It reflects the attitude of many Americans at the time. Many people had to decide which side to join during the war.

5 Summary Robert E. Lee writes to his son, telling him that he must chose which side to fight for in the war. He tells his son that he is both proud to be an American and to be from Virginia. Lee was against the war.

6 Summary His opinion was that the South had been “aggrieved by the acts of the North.” In the end, he says he will return home and suffer the consequences of his people. He states that he will only fight if his rights are infringed upon.

7 Literary Elements Literary Letter Conflict – Man vs. Self
Lee writes about his inner conflict about which side to join in the Civil War.

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