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Monday 4/3/17  Welcome back!!!!!! Fill out your assignment notebook for the week  Notebook Entry: Do you think it is important to check the health of.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 4/3/17  Welcome back!!!!!! Fill out your assignment notebook for the week  Notebook Entry: Do you think it is important to check the health of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 4/3/17  Welcome back!!!!!! Fill out your assignment notebook for the week  Notebook Entry: Do you think it is important to check the health of the planet like people monitor check health with a doctor? Explain why or why not?

2 The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms

3 Natural Factors that Change Climate
Solar Energy Volcanic Eruptions Movement of Continents Earth’s Position Movement of continents/plate tectonics: change position of continent in terms of relationship to the equator and therefore how much direct sunlight received, it can also change distance from large bodies of water, prevailing winds, and mountain ranges. Earth’s Position- changes in angle of Earth’s tilt on its axis, changes in Earth’s orbit of the sun both influence the amount of sunlight that reaches Earth and/or the places on Earth. Linked with ice ages. Volcanic Activity – extremely large amounts of ash and large particles released into the atmosphere. Can reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere and may lower temperatures. Solar Energy – the amount of sunlight changes affecting how much sunlight reaches earth, the changes result from an increase in sunspots, which are darker, cooler regions of the sun

4 Movement of continents/plate tectonics
changes position of continent & therefore changes climate factors

5 Earth’s Position changes in angle of Earth’s tilt & changes in Earth’s orbit of the sun linked with ice ages.

6 Other natural Factors Solar Energy Volcanic Eruptions
Changes in sun’s energy output linked to changes in climate extremely large amounts of ash released into the atmosphere may lower temperatures.

7 Studying Ancient Climates
Pollen Tree rings Ice cores Sediments Rock layers Each plant has a pollen grain with a different shape- heart shape is a tiger lily, top right is a dandelion. Scientists can use these pollen grain to determine what kinds of plants existed in places long ago. Tree rings- thin rings indicate a dry year or a short growing season, wide rings indicate a long growing season or a wet year. Ice Cores – similar to tree rings. When water freezes things such as pollen, dust, and gases can be trapped inside. Show ice core video.

8 Climate Change Online Labs Lesson
Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Education and Public Outreach Team NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

9 Engage What is a vital sign? Something observable and measurable to give evidence about the health of a person. Examples?

10 Think-Pair-Share “What is a vital sign for Earth’s climate health?”
Explore Think-Pair-Share “What is a vital sign for Earth’s climate health?”

11 Explore What is a vital sign? “Similar to a doctor who checks a patient's vital signs - pulse, heartbeat, temperature, and so on - scientists regularly check Earth's vital signs, which informs us about the health of our planet: global temperature, atmospheric CO2, Arctic sea ice, land ice, and sea level.” NASA’s Climate Change Web Page, Introduction to Earth’s Dynamically Changing Climate;

12 What are the 9 pieces of evidence that scientists monitor to track changes in climate?
Sea Level Rise Global Temperatures Warming Oceans – surface temperature Shrinking Ice Sheets Declining Arctic Sea Ice Glacial Retreat Extreme Weather Events Ocean Acidification Decreased Snow Cover

13 Homework: Read and do pages 184-189 in Windsurfer book

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