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Meet Our Family Allen Pennington, Principal

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2 Meet Our Family Allen Pennington, Principal
Abby Stone, Assistant Principal

3 Reading Readiness Rhyming/Word Families Basic Sight Words
Recognize and name the letters of the alphabet. Produce the sounds of each letter Book Handling Skills: left to right, top, bottom, cover, etc.

4 Math Readiness Count fluently to 25 Recognize numbers 0-20
Write numbers 0-20 Draw and recognize 2D shapes

5 Writing Readiness Correct pencil grip Write basic sight words
Write first and last name Letter formation

6 Personal Skills Potty trained (flushes the toilet, able to button/un-button his/her pants, wash hands, etc.) Knows first and last name, knows parent’s name, phone number, and address. Able to tuck in his/her shirt Able to use scissors correctly Able to zip/unzip backpacks, take care of their personal belongings like lunch boxes, folders, coats, etc.

7 Activities In Kindergarten

8 Special Programs and Visitors

9 Holiday Activities

10 Kindergarten Activities

11 Field Trips and End of the 9 Weeks Celebrations

12 Parental and Community Involvement Activities

13 Fall Activities

14 Book Character and Black History Parade

15 Thank you for coming! We can’t wait to see you in the Fall!

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